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Destiny: The Winter Princess

Chapter 7 Seven

Word Count: 1422    |    Released on: 20/02/2023

e next day f

the room. "You look happy today. What's the s

k a quick shower and when i was don

py that I got to b

." I turned to Rachel who was patti

said with a sh

eteria and got a table and we were given lunch. We b

aised her head up to look at me with a frown. "You mean Manny?

attitude swit

" I a

lk into the cafeteria abd t

w you doing guys?" june

d" we repli

od like a hungry lion While Manny kept an exp

she looked up at me. "Hum, I don't reall

h a girl" I asked a

erewolf guy" frex butte

nking at gold while he rolled his eyes. Man

le or something?" ju

so" fre

d the other students we

said and my body stiffen. "Or the werew

. "You wanna keep the cuties all to your

ver. "

should start trainin

june asked him as she p

hottey again" frex laughed


the Cafeteria and when he saw me, h

ing to stand next to me. "Let's go "

wo sharp swords placed in the middle of the f

e he was nine years old. He also said his father is no mo

ctly well I thought. We traine

ying on the cold concrete floor l

ay" he said as he turne

ed, wiping swe

here by 8:30 Am " he said and got up w

by 7:00 so don't

mbled and rolled my

He replied wit

left for us to be chosen" he

eally be determined ab

d in the empty room for like two minutes t

k yet. So I decid


ne hours . I turned to the other side of my bed then sa

d, she couldn't even wake

hours and stared up at my ceiling as I k

h. I won't let you


ake my bath, I put on the shower on and allow th

dy looking like a lost dog. I ignored her an

yesterday. " Rachel said a

re about it" I rep

n with manny and the rest of the guys" Ra

me up?" I asked her w

turb your beauty sleep you know" she

s almost 7 :00 " I

ht and all. And Rachel came out of the

gether to the cafeteria. I sited june and her frien

ok our lunch to

rrow?" frex asked as he loo

y for it" I replied

hought you guys are paired togethe

en . You will see him there

was done eating, I stood up

nodded and I started walking away, going

te" lex dee

late" I snorted a

roblem anywa

l he said as he moved to

I didn't regret training with ex

minute and he t

not bad "

ou" I replied

r like two minutes with

" I asked him, feeling awkwa

blinking his eyes. And I started moving

to move anymore and he

u.. Ok" i stamme

stared back looking at his deep green eyes and he stared at my

hair. And before I knew

arted closing them without even trying and

ust have my fir

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