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Chapter 2 San! , Watch out! (episode 2)

Word Count: 353    |    Released on: 21/02/2023

om space craft guns forms large cloud-like shapes in the night's sky. Warships in every direction

ecraft with Sandro right on his heels. - "Wh

latic Rep

novel weapons.!" While running, Regan senses a blazing light in his p

n twists forward on top of Sandro. Regan then lands on top of Sandro into a nearby ditch

ce of their skin, the fleet slides and digs into the gravel. The empact of the crash nails their bodies to the ground. Sandro releases the g

truggles to his feet. - "San listen to me now!" , "Ta

don't leave me." "I'm scared!" Regan grabs Sandro arms

away, start the ship for G

he thick red radiated atmosphere , Sandro pockets the key , takes a d

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