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Chapter 4  Listen R dawg, I told ya already. (episode 4)

Word Count: 482    |    Released on: 21/02/2023

and upper lip *PLOP! Regan reflect

'd ya ship? , Mines was just shot down out

h fiery flames in his eyes , "W

Regan. - " Well, fa' one ; ya'

d da message." Zelle glances back towards the burning ship. "Ohhh, bro da' fault is ta' me, I

"Wait, you mean to tell me .,.this is your ship that almost landed

dawg, I told

k up slowly, while

ntrol, ma' ship was shot dow

ot only putting you and ya son's life in jeopardy." "But da' people

walk in the direction of his spacecraft. He motion

n one piece ,Regan and Zelle a

o dashes towards his father with

his son with a jolly la

told you to ju

member this gree

into Sandr

t's up

buff alien. "Uncle Zee!!, where have

ize and gives him a little ro

us waiting on ya as we speak, s

anel of the ship and sits in his

ys of the digital dash , he laughs to hi

the emergency start voice

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