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Chapter 7 What happened (episode 7)

Word Count: 583    |    Released on: 21/02/2023


bling in his thoughts He instantly start reminiscing about the countless times his father bought him ice-cream from their community snow-cone stand. Starring out of the fle

t world is

panel turning the corner edge of his windshield into

ca. Through here, there's ice caves to get to interspace.

. A warm smile came over Regan's face to see his son happy and excited after what he just put him t

find him slobbing out the beak, hunch

ting his head from left to right , left to right. He Unconsciously ra

from Zelle to each other at the

he cockpit, We have to lower the flight lvls and dial out to Anta

& straightens his posture in his seat. - "

" Regan raised on

amin' about..hehe." He nervously blurte

rge broken-off piece of iceberg in the gulfs of the water. The white-belli

e fleet begins to turmoil as Regan steers the space fleet towards a great giant hole inside one of the ice land mo

The Grip Of T

yone , To Inte


us on a suicide mission for her bastar

we hijack the ship , kill everyone on board except the kid ,and ransom him and

n halt, Captain Phantom seemed to be assured abou

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