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The Last Moon ( Book One - He Could Be The One)

Chapter 2 Prologue

Word Count: 1595    |    Released on: 24/02/2023

ith you, Raine a

can't leave

you live. Take your space

d, tired voice while lying still in my crib watching things

own tears. I wanted to comfort them, tell them everything was going to

od." The disappointment that was reflecting through his face was shattering me bit by bit from inside. Each drop of h

oping his decision was changed but how could I forget in face


ight thro

so small. She'll never have a safe life." He said

e it'll bring her to someone who can protect her. Probably even better than this i

. All of us will

ess. And probably, feel the very same. Walking over to me, she carefully took off her pendant, putting

Wipe her tears, her sadness, her helplessness from

cry. Ple

upon hearing them, her eyes widened. The once dull eyes were now shining with

here!" She

er to us. His eyes were red and tir

w unclear letters. But his eyes widened and just

lecting each other's excitement. "DID YOU


icing. About two garbled words. They were happy. And upon seeing their smiling fac

es, 'All good times

le gunshot to ruin my last happy an

He said as he turned around, walking away from us. I tried to reach out t

n leave together

estroyed like ours. Everyone's hope

shattering in two? Even if I live, I'll never be the same again. You are

us' hearts make one whole, Raine which resides in our daughter now

n from the nearby drawer, she kept it in his hand. Tightening his hand around

nar or Earth. The only place you belong to, my little cactus


each other, walking away from each other.

go. I need you

m, but he was already out of

she wrapped both of us in i

r way out, we were

re you going?" He ask

who came to beg fo

n't come back

isfied with her answer,

ng City of Carke, we finally reach

just right in front of us. But as soon as moth

green is in a hurry to leave.

rward, clapping. "Raine. Give m

re being used but yo


our father is going

are l

gh, you and I both know, I am going to end up in t

he would nev

d rule over. Do you think your father is supporting you because he loves you? Heh. Yo


r finding out she's alive after five years, instead of regretting h

wly bent down and put me down carefully covered in the blanket s

s and went to her bodyguard. Mom slowly picked me up again a

ce stopped as the sound of a gunshot n

offered me a large sum to take care of you and Raine. Once you, Raine and Aren are all dea

s heard interrupti

ven enemies helped. I seriously wanted to ask her in

ceship. I saw the man shoot the woman thrice as she fell to the groun

froze at

ed by the other. Each one hit my mother on

d as she put me down,

on't leave

towards the spaceship. My little knees were now scraped and bleeding, but I was inside th

mom said as I saw her shed

ands and feet were not as capable as I expected them to be. Before I could've reache

et little dream that

t... left my parents, my

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