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The Last Moon ( Book One - He Could Be The One)

Chapter 3 Scars All Over Me

Word Count: 1961    |    Released on: 24/02/2023

e : Scars

named New York City. A voice that stood out from the rest sang. As its phenome

y from where this

ned so bright that it's fl

the broken

crossed lovers possessing


was t

d I have be

thoughts didn'

at I w

ls me what I cou

hing I could do

o my mind because

g me

eel as if I

ls good to you? I thought that they w

newly married husband standing near the balcony door with two coffee mugs

happen? The chaos. You feel the chaos, the pain, the insecurities because that's what makes you alive. If they were never there, we all would be living in some weird stimulation, always forcin

he night sky. "Well… Your terms are not exactly wrong so I'

someone actually agree

the stars as I said, "Ther

was used to this. People calling me w


focusing on his ice cream which he had not eaten in a month because of his mother's reprimands. It can also be your success. And, it can also be a

ll smile on his face. I hummed, returning his smile

smile on my face, finally giving him a piece of my mind, "The King Of Stock Market. A person who is far more cunning than a fox, can even make a huge business empir

ubconsciousness mo

er as my wife. A wife as excellent as your. And what else did it cost me? Oh! I remember an investment of a few millions. It's a very cheap deal. I'd say

as but the thorns are no less. It describes y

nger I was holding in. This man w

re, I won't be an obstacle in your path and ask you why you married me. But I hope you can tell me why yo

tine is quite intere

which my father established with his sweat and blood. Theref

gs in my mother's womb. My mother, Raine Forden, wasn't a weakling and nei


yourself, Mr Agustine, has the time to chit chat with me

kaholic, Mrs Agustine. I am indeed a busy person. Right

, putting down my mug of coffee. "You can talk t

f me, trapping me between his arms and the table. Keeping the mug just behin

r is your wife, not Inez.

of them

a free bird who can never be caged." I said as I kept my hand on his chest and pushed hi

I will fulfil all the duties of a wife except your personal needs. You can find someone else to help you out with those. And moreover, your family doesn't accept this m

n without a fight? He said something

your 'husband' would go aroun

r would he? Shall we make a bet on his integrity, Mr Agustine?" I replied back to him with a smirk on my face

according to the customs, I have to

water drops hit my skin one after the other, soothing all the burns of humiliation I rece

d-digger who somehow managed to marry into The Agus

rupt so he 'sold' his daughter? Mr Ag

haracterless girl and then giving her a status wh

! What


lackmailed James.



And in that pent up frustration and irritation inside me, I punched the glass panel in front of me, shat

in the pain the old scars and new wounds were causing me, as I tried justifying myself to the walls of

pped around me as I was pulled in a warm embrace. Those magic

ears in my eyes. Those tears were the evidenc

u are hurting a lot because of whatever the hell it is. So don't you dare say you a

o switch on the heater. I was shivering from

old water during winter when there's snow outside!? If

tarted rubbing my fe

teeth were clattering

pologize. Let me get your c

d. Who… Who… Who asked..

erstand that something is wrong." He said, irritated

m not d


… Don't be

urther. Because the next thing he did was throwing


because of his expression but I wasn't able to listen to anything except th

ord I heard from him, I faded

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