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The Last Moon ( Book One - He Could Be The One)

Chapter 4 The New Beginning

Word Count: 1722    |    Released on: 24/02/2023

: The New

had been hit by a truck. My head was aching. I was feeling a throb

lf, holding my head up and turning to look at

. Damn. I should ha

walked towards the window,

he window, blinding my vision for a momen

w st

ting on the branch of the maple tree that was in the garden of my new ma

of the bed on a chair. Looking at him, the memories of last

th a cute bow tied on top. Seeing that bow, a smile made its way to my lips. I raised my head once agai

m I thinking too much? Why are you doing this, Ja

mained in my thoughts, refusing to come to my lips a

irection I was being pulled, only to be standing in front of him.

shaped face with a button nose. He looked so cu


from him as soon as I remembered my work, but to be honest, I wanted to admire that innocent sleeping face for a bit longer. But

n ungrate

way from him. As my hand was held and I was pulled back

ding his face in the crook of my neck, nuz

me ask who chan

e my clothes,

get mad. And that's the last thing I w

ed. Why would you

lives hell if you get them mad. And, if it's

om his embrace, but it was of no use. His embrace was too strong to break f

not call me

u want


o be talking in sleep. You woke up just enough to keep th

took his head out from the crook of my

I replied to his ques

exclaimed, just li

t either." I s

?" He asked, rai


what a

lurk in the territory of the

.You are the first one t

ing has

hat's you

a bird, He becomes the target of many hunters on land. if he's too

are a

m not the bug getting stomped

do you

need t

you need

o know." Okay. This i

" He pouted. Now he's

let me go," I said, as I

nice and feel

" I said, placing my

said it through m

shamelessness. As I stared at him, unwavere

the smugness from his face vanished, as did the shamelessness

wnstairs." I said finally bein


s I turned aroun

e enough one day to share all the pain; you a

probably take some time. But you better be down in

uting me, making both of

r as I walked downs

reflecting objects to reflect the light, thus maximising

vegetables to fix some vegetable soup for James. It took m

ause of my height. I wasn't short. I was 5'7". But I still couldn't get it so my he

ere it



ly balancing myself, I stood up on it as I got hold of that pesky little bowl. But be

for the fall, but surprisingly, I never hi

n?" James asked

said shaking my

down." He said as his eyes ran over

t to pass any commentary on my cheeks. As he hummed, walking towards the chair and sat d

u, Mrs. A

id, sitting down on

t time, noticing

ture. It la

. I can stare at you as much as I want. Moreover, you loo

bold, though? I mean I haven't seen wives who would compliment

ly going to prison for complimenting you wh

you need to go to your

happen when I arrived there. Mostly, it wi

evil. Just child


e you coming?

pick you up and meet them at that time."

t really that much of

nt me to drop you on


, taking my bandaged hand and placing a small kiss on it as

seem all that bad. But still, it wa

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