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Girl Of Cinder

Girl Of Cinder

Author: trinit33

Chapter 1 Rainy Accident

Word Count: 1426    |    Released on: 27/02/2023

er ears blaring sweet dreams by Alessia Cara, her thoughts slipping away with the rain, wishing they would wash away. Taking a deep breath,

the scar line that traced up from his left eyebrow to his cheek felt like it was something she’d done, her sens

ks, she held on to nothing but a pocket knife with both hands. This was the only thing she believed she could use to protect herself, fear seeping from her

till lost in her thoughts, a bright light illuminated the street, and a trailer was coming her way, honkin

. She remembered the birthdays she had spent, and even when she fell ill, her mother was

e afterlife fee

e cold wet tarred road, with water seeping through her coat. She took a peek at her surroundings and realized she hadn’t suffered a hit, but someone else was on t

head. " Call an ambulance!” she kept on shouting, trying her best

He sat up off Lucinda’s lap, trying to make

tion,” she mumbled, placing her hands on t

d him on the stretcher. “Ma’am, can you wal

Just look after him. He’s in a

stand up?” the paramed


to see if anything was wrong before she could say anything; he helped her into the other ambulance and they drove off to the hospital, leaving t

yashi in the reception area,

” asked the nurse at the front d

da Hay

rse directed, turning back to her phone call

lled out, running towards th

Mrs. Hayashi walked in on them as they wrapped her right ankle in a cast. They

d,” she said, bringing out the mush

rprised that

ore of the impact, which left your daughter with fewer injuries,” sai

I talk to you per

ffice, but before leaving, she helped Lu

er body when we scanned. Therefore, she’s safe, but she’ll need more than a week’s rest at home. This will

hen,” said Mrs. Hayashi,

ring her to the hospital again for more scans. I’d also

know which ward or room the young man is in?” She

ed. He also has internal bleeding from a ruptured kidney and a few broken b

wing before leaving the doct

ed Lucinda, looking up from her

y for now. He prescribed some drugs for you. Fi

the man that saved me?” She asked

for a while. He took more of the impact for you.” S

staying for the night?”

uld finish her statement, Yuri w

pital clothes aren’t your style,” d

as fast as I could, faster than the speed of light

o her dramatic ways; she w

at death’s door, you know?” sighed Lucind

l yours for the night,” said Mrs. Hayashi on her way out of t

happened? Tell me!” Yuri demanded

pital bed and clothes. I’m not meant to

a while until you’re completely healed.” Fe

ything to him that had happened. He gave them four weeks off from work, and she had nothing else

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