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Girl Of Cinder

Chapter 8 Trailer and Night parks 2

Word Count: 1557    |    Released on: 09/03/2023

g, I’ll search the break room and my locker,” Yuri replied, running back inside. H

Got it,” Yuri shouted out before Lucinda could

find the key?

found it in my bag, it was hidden, it g

meet someone at the corner cafe,” Lucinda explained

yoroinokishi (night in shining armour),” tease

they had just met and she just couldn’t start calling him names when they’re not even in a relationship, let alone a

ry, I’ll be the responsible one this time around, I’ll see you off before returning home o

nda asked, almost too eager, wan

demand. After looking at Yuri for a while, she took a deep breath and let it out. Knowing that Yuri

look so cute, I’ll accept it and I’ll see you off and leave

mise you free coffee?” Lucinda gr


cup beside him. They approached him, asking, “Hey stranger, is the chair free?” Yuri teased, and

n taken by a pretty

nda with her. Acting as if she was angry, she exclaimed, “Com

bye, knowing this would get Yuri riled up, but at least she’d get some fun from poking at her. Yuri was

id. She took a seat next to Kei. He handed her the second cup of coffee. She

, sipping some more, while loving

of coffee he’d gotten. Lucinda was surprised by the question thrown at her. She smiled and wonder

,” she replied, smiling back to the time they baked cookies together, with her laughter and her mother’s laughter echoing throughout the whole house. When she tasted the cookie barter, she thought

that he’d taken her picture. “Hey delete that,” she hurri

should smile more than you frown, you’re prettier that way,” he teased, his lips so close to her ears, it made L

straightened her polka dot blouse, and when Kei offered her his hand,

oss for him and Lucinda, Yuri hid behind a car to take another picture, when Henmi noticed someone behind the car, from the side-view mirror, he’d

sh he’s so handsome he could be mistaken for a model,” Yuri whispered to herself, not a

all she could see was a clothed chest in front of her before she looked up and saw Henmi staring at her. “Why are you t

dumb. She’d hidden her phone behind her. Henmi looked at

on this phone

he asked, still shocked that Kei had a sibling and that the handsome looks didn’t j

” she said, laughing sheepishly, knowing she’d been caught and if

picture of when Kei had caught Lucinda mid-way when she was about to fall out of her chair. " cute,” he muttered to hi

to our mum, since this is the first time I’m also seeing him with a woman,” Henmi s

at her out. “I won’t take another one. Your secret is safe with me,” Yuri hur


da looked so cute under the night sky, especially when she had a childlike twinkle in her eyes. He’d looked at his wristwatch and realized t

t to say goodnight. I really had fun today,” Ke

ch and stared at each other, the other no

he trance. He’d walked quite a distance whe

d round and nodded her head, silently smil

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