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Girl Of Cinder

Chapter 9 Therapy

Word Count: 1577    |    Released on: 14/03/2023

g," Yuri said sleepily. Lucinda was puzzled as to why and how Yuri jump

u're just a dream, don't disturb me.". Yuri woke up fully from her s

d about why Yuri had slapped her instea

booting. In shock at the slap, she reached to the bedside table and picked up her phone to check who had called. It wasn't a phone call, but a reminder that she needed to book a therapy session. She'd

hen took out her phone and looked through her notes, looking for the contact information of t

pretended like she was doing something in the bathroom. She purposel

the phone. Lucinda immediately picked u

ssible that I can book an appointment for the afte

could hear the sounds of a computer keypad through the phone. She w

e, so you can book

fine with me,"

asked the person


Then she cut

out a pair of shorts and a white tank top, today was a day off for both she and Lucinda, they always rotated the staff at their bakery, she was really glad because of this and also need the rest, her muscles

side drawer that she had been wanting to read. Lucinda had gotten through three chapters wh


akes a ribbon and ties her hair, also looking around the room for her purse and her train pass, she'd gotten them and also tied her hair up into a ponytail, she walked to the stairs but paused for a brief minute, when she heard Yuri's voice streaming from the parlor, laughing at what she was watching, she held onto the stair rails, stretching, to be


i, Lucinda Hayashi," she said. The r

the one close to the wall, and she sat down. She checked the time on her phone. It was already 2:26 pm. At least she was

ma queen) 💅😍: Where

♀️ (witch)

tell me you're heading out 😤, I'm all alone,

ke ass 😂, do yo

😍: Your time and l

go get a boyfriend hunny and y

jo (witch), anyway get some snacks, my stash has run

're my favourite clown. Only

iroin 💅😍:

nda looked up from her phone. Yuri was still typing. She


he heard a woman's voice through the crack of the door, a voice that sounded flirtatious and light... She knew she had to start this now or never, so she braced herself and knocked, knowing there was no point in going back. Suddenly, the do

in the most feminine voice Lucinda had ever heard. Lucinda moved to the side to let the woman pa

a cabinet. He was leafing through some files, his glasses lying gently on t

Dr. H like every other patient calls me," He said,

da Hay

life story or to share something. This is what every other of his patients does, but there was something diff

uess what's wrong with you by just looking at you, I know I'm handsome, but I'm not psychic," he explained, cracking a little joke to get Lucinda to smile a bit, it actually worked be

ask questions and you'll reply. Are you okay with that?" It seeme

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