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A Deal And A Billionaire

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1007    |    Released on: 28/02/2023

gain. She yawned loudly, bringing her head back to the desk. A re

s, she thought. She wo

. She was late! She rushed into the bathroom with speed

them into her bag. She pushed her feet into her pumps and proceeded to run out the door an

on her coat with the other. A file fell from her bag

get herself a cup of the black liquid but she thought against it. S

wait. He dropped the garbage bag he was holding and hurried back into t

, sitting warm in the microwave, fo

ng out of time. “Thank you so much!” she cr

ouse!” the barista yelled af

saw an empty seat and took it, exhaling. The day was proving to be lucky. S

kets. Then, they would have dinner together. She stared out t

smile that brightened her face. As the bus neared her st

torey building where she worked, it's glass walls reflecting the rays from the morning sun. The words FOREST SKINCARE sa

of the elevator, she noticed people staring at her. She looked down at her shoes and noticed, with relief, th

through it but, that couldn’t be the reason. Her hair always looked this w

she shrugged as she swiped her company ID card on the scanner, the waist high g

mind, nothing was going to soil her mood today. She was going to send in her project to the CEO a

n’t possibly g

ared with four other colleagues. She ignored the stares from

erfully, throwing one of her han

ly one in the office. “Good morning, Mill

cubicle. It was the second one from Margaret Lee, a pentagon arrangemen

and handed it to Margaret, “I had a new idea for the body scr

hrough. She closed. “This l

elled into the office. “You won’t believe what I just saw about Millie!”

ckled, going to meet her. “That I e

t and shook her head. “It’s nothin

ployees staring through the glass walls at them and they scrambled, ret

d, reluctantly giving her the ph

he pictures in Bethany’s phone. Blood rushed in her ear and every othe

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