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A Deal And A Billionaire

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1014    |    Released on: 28/02/2023

ut dumb as a rock. Who the hell but me has those p

ence was laughed. Tears filled her eyes a

ver again. After everything she’d done for h

t a club— one of the last places she had expected to be at.

d met him there. He had come with his friend— a

er jacket that turned Millie on each time she saw him

sign. Millie abandoned her friends

on her. The same night where he had trailed kisses down her

the ledge for support as the phone slid from h

. She didn’t cross the line, she came over to his place only when he asked, as h

pictures to capture the moment after

pushed out of her heels and lifted her leg. She climbed onto t

en her, she tho

friends back home, her siblings, her paren

r so slightly, her rig

ow much that could hurt?”

as standing a little to her left, his hand in his pocket. He was slim, but not thin


, not right now.” he

er!” Millie screamed

t someone to do the job of scrapping yo

tion. “Then what should I d

pictures should make you want

recoiled. This proved the fa

badly edited that even

If he also noticed,

at this company can’t seem t

. “I should have

t you jus

lock, you have some

the roof, thinking of ending her life,

you know

he came closer. She stiffened and wat

of your capabilities does no

d before taking it and putting t on. There was a crack

faltered, almost falling. Logan

fore letting go. “I don

illie said, unable

d, taking a step back and bringin

have something that yo

r continents. Yet,” he paused, “none of them has brought an idea to me that I bit i

illie asked, pushing h

nate that those pictures are going around but, your personal life is none of my business, or any of the morons’ down th

atter now, does it?” she snapped, irritated. “I don’t car

tlock,” H

her head to

t and shame killed you. Or,” he took a step closer, and held out his hand. “you can take my hand. T

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