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A Deal And A Billionaire

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1007    |    Released on: 28/02/2023

illicent reread the title agai

e. The pictures showed her in bed with the blanket wrapped around her chest; a smile on her fa

pictures would know t

is?” Millie

ompany. Someone just sent it to ou

problem was, the men in the photographs weren’t Theodore. They

like she was go

into the chair. Margaret Lee stood and grabbed th

t said, looking back at the photos. She sighed in rel

way the face of the men didn’t match the neck of the man she was wi

ee called, snapping

answered, he

works in sales, isn’t it?” Margaret

nod. “Yes, he’s the

end?” she asked, “That piece of…” she trail

ong, these pictures

even have them. He was the one who wanted to take those picture

e. Bethany?” Margaret

thany answered,

l take them, have her give it to him and wait till she does,” Margaret inst

k on her face. She glanced at Millicent and then Margaret, “Why?” She wanted to

s. We want him to see this side first before he reads that article. He mig

h a great person! Most of her produc

not want a bad name for the company if this keeps going

at the door, mind

here are y

“Don’t worry about all this, people like to gossip, it’s going to blow

er other colleague starte

ook with the other man beside him and shr


s rolling down at cheeks. She began to sob into her hands, her voice travelling in

dore. He didn’t pick up, not on the sec

Just pick u

. He didn’t answer. She

. Please,



call m

t do this t

. Pi

and took off her glasses. As she tried to wipe them, th

er cry and she took it. She couldn’t se

hone, lips shaking. She was h

I had it on silent. What’s wrong?” Theo replied.

t have. If his colleagues knew she was hi

lied. There was a slight

taken your face out of it. Those photos you liked to take on

em. Nothing else. He didn’t even hav

re you s

planation. Someone must have hacked his phone and uploa

u back, okay? Let m

k the phone awa

ar. She brought the phone back to h

tered into a m

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