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Word Count: 2255    |    Released on: 05/03/2023

't. Perhaps, he didn't come to college today but she knew he was not the type to miss college

ranging her books and soon students started tripping in. She looked back again to ge

ady. I hate when

ner of the voice. Gasping and smiling at the same time, she stood up and hugged him tightly, some of the student

i hugged her back

erday. I wasn't in my right frame of mind" Alexa said and pul

ire his beauty. Well, he inherited his looks from his parents. He had beautiful pai

id earning her attention immediately. His mom, her

Alexa said with her hands clasped

d that your destiny awaits you with true love and pure d

tand what you just sa

ust insists that I should tell you.." Eric clari

a and Eric looked up and they saw a young handsome guy with a mask covering his face following prof Johnson. Their mathematics lecturer.

aid and the class started to murmur h

t and he is Damon.. " Prof Johns

, what's yo

e, take off y

o hot and

hiding your f

never use their head for once. That's one of the reasons he hates them. Just then his eyes me

ll feasted on Alexa and Eric. He knew that they were supernatural

ing access to her thoughts. Meanwhile all these dirty human thoughts kept ringing loudly in his ears and

with this class and

need to

d placed his hea

e a school boy. He should just leave. And tommorow

the end of class. Damon stood up a

l use my powers to vanish

e in immediately. Suddenly the air around Damon beca

presence here.." H

" Dani

sure?" Da

sure.." Damo

way.."Daniell mind linked

wn way.." Damon said and cut off the mind

and then suddenly got

nd deserted path. He stopped and then like an air, he suddenly vanished and immediately the figure that had been following came

hands from his neck and then the intruder fell

he man begged and Damon smirked at the man and with a snap of his

houting. His eyes dilated in surprise, it was the short Blue eyes. He st

uy in the hoodie yesterday night

ere?" Damon asked her

you..." She said and then lo

him? Let him go!" She

hat's happening here is none of your

ed red instantly in anger. With just one slight push, he yanked the man away and he

me?" He stated coldly and Alexa immediately moved backwards in fear.

oke cause of his tightened grip on her neck , almost immediately Damon felt like he was the on

and stared at her, her coughing had now reduced and she was patting he

run but he grabbed her by

pulled her closer and then he hugged her and took his nostrils to her neck trying to find a scent or something he could use to recognise that

at her. He felt nothing, he felt empty towards his supp

umbled and her leg hit a huge rock. Immediately that happened Axel felt a sharp pain in his legs a

ound his mate after many years of

tion or bond towards her. He felt empty, devoid of emotions towar


illed with blood in his hands. He took a sip out of it

pture him?" He asked and the man sh

much more powerful.." The man said trembling and Lucian's grip on the glass

how hard I try, I just can't seem to get you outta

ed today but thankfully she managed to escape. Still panting, she fell on the couch and h

ind is it?" She thought. She was really disturbed about the fact that she could have died. She

r aggressively due to his anger. His eyes colour immediately changed to red immediately but he sighed and ran his hand into

p immediately

ried. You cut off the mind link i

e said angrily, no

pissed?" Daniel asked and sig

He muttered wit

asked with a crumpled face and Dam

darn mate!" He snapped and a s

y? How

fed and th

f me is joyous or excited. I guess I'm really cursed!

iled and

cursed not to share any bond with her so that's

ned to leave as he clenched his fists trying to calm himself because his anger

m yourself!" Daniel yelled and hearing that, h

not getting wha

lf. You need her to save you from the growing dark

a mere supernatural save me from what's pa

nd I now know the way to get her

eyes, surprised with the s

understand?" Dani

vanished out of sight and Daniel

ing can stop the darkness from expanding except..." He trailed off and then

book to have answers to

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