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Word Count: 1365    |    Released on: 08/06/2023

side of the bed to the other and th

ened in her head and then all yesterday's incident c

by her left side and she opened it, it wasn't surprising that it was the bathroom. She walked into it an

s!" She said with a hardened voice. After freshening up, she came downstairs. She didn'

oom and she smiled. Thankfull

nster should be p

is.." Alexa mumble

she made her way to the kitchen

efrigerator were filled with jars filled with blood and she was so

h monsters," Alexa says with a di

vil crea

s on animal's blood and if she found t

breath on her neck ,behi

me, Blue eyes, it's delicious

k and pushed him backwards. She scoffed when she noticed he was

ter like you" S

en that your father is a vam

s eyes

ile Damon's gaze was her, he was trying to

, he doesn't drink their b

ed and shoo

d, taking slow strides towards her whi

er lied to you. No

rdered her parents and now he h

liar!" She rasped a

oser to her

uth that your Dad is a monster?" Da

him but he immediately caught and then he saw something flash in her eyes and immediately Damon's expression c

but he just dropped her hand and stared at

urself to eat" Damon said and

n't hold the usual coldness and it was unusually calm


tions, Blue eyes?" He asked, struggl

g all coy and nice with me. You were m

tered and was about walking away wh

t you didn't even organ

n tu

will bring you all wha

at would be less expensive" Ale

right through you. And never mind, I don't mind spending my money

smart mo

able to stop me

n she noticed another refrigerator though a smaller one. She walked towards it and

less monsters

ss cup she was holding before gulping it down. She smiled satisfactor

tarted slicing the apples but just then the unexpected happened, the knife cut her right thumb but then sh

y but she was still staring at the thumb he was holding

ed as if she had d

rt myself..." She muttered starin

d and then a large smile escaped her

ell is she


ell is she

mates!" She says with

if you hurt me one more time, I'll definitely punish

she remembered something. Her phone. She could use her phone to call Eric to free her. She left

monster has taken it f

in and started checking her room. She gave up after

so bad within a few hou

ansion( Ale

profusely as she dalied her daughter's numb

again.." Elisee stood up and crie

and let's think. She will be fine" Dy

ed. Where was his beloved daughter? Could

up with us, do you think that's why she

what to do anymore

e one of hi

hter's absence should better get ready cause he's never go

teeth and then c

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