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Chapter 6 MORE TO COME

Word Count: 806    |    Released on: 08/06/2023

they were in. She swallowed hard and made to push him b

lips almost touching and her eyes wi

oing?" She managed to

hreatened, staring at her lips and

that he never tries to kiss me or I swear I will ki

ad towards hers while Alexa continued to shake her head in a

for what would happen but then she felt his hot breath

uences!" He warned and released his hold on her and Alexa uncons

opped when they got in front of a room. Damon looked at it and t

be your roo

e said like s

a room after all you are my mate?" He asked

" She

As soon as he did, she immediately slammed the door shut and Damon a

d met Daniel reading the

noticed his arriv

ed disturbed. He didn't want to believe that

sed and Daniel sighed and shook his head not knowing what to say but he h

on the bed and Daniel, not knowin

m" Damon said and looked at

he girl actu

usion in order to get her to go with m

ve that gift.

I never lost it.."

om her? She is your mate right?" Danie

ust her" Damon muttered and without waiti

nced at the book of

to change your fate. It just shouldn't


ose her eyes, the hurtful scene of her parents burning always haunts her. She sat on

ad are gone" She muttered clenchin

will pay for murdering my p

them but the moon goddess decided not to bless me but to

an. I'm so cursed" Alexa


k R

on the ground as he pricked his finge

houldn't have at all!" Constantine

and send you back to where exactly you came from, that's a promise

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