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A slave to the Alpha’s family.

Chapter 4 What is Luck

Word Count: 1613    |    Released on: 17/03/2023

a splash of cold wa

was a mountain of d

t get done yesterday; she ha

till had to wash the clothes of the women and girls living

outline of sunlight could be seen all ove

tiful woods at the back of the harem and began to

hatever they wanted to in these woods, and nobody

disobey the order the harem was setup. That was why Sesame fel

her fingers into the pouch, spraying the seeds on the mo

ountiful harvest my family would have foods and clothes for months. How lucky, who’d

ain of bed dressings, cracking her fingers just before grabbi

dawn and luckily for Sesame she was already spreadi

oked promisi

ff and she began to t

at came yesterday were

eeting of the packs that would take place later that fall in the Costain pack’

ame didn’t understand was why a bunch of them showed up in the Alpha’s harem yesterday, not that

ipelago that was instrumental in her c

n’t scared, he looked

pure black hair, his face was al

e though, the ma


palace’s floors now that the open palac

ace, the looks the girls gave her whenever she asked them to excuse her or move was d

ration of her own diligence put into her cleaning,when she was taken unaw

idle endeavors of the women in the h

she was being stepped o

he excited screams and yells coming fro

er limit, she felt herself losing consciousnes

end, and Sesame had lost all strength to d

of her head, the sensation that came with it was as if her eyes were about to pop out of her

was happening with dying breath-when a familiar face popped up in

h smile on his face, but the only thing Sesame co

ust lik

s closed


sness and instantly picked up the

mouth just moved on its own, and it was during the constant spoon f

was D

e couldn’t help but wheeze and yelp in pain, bar

some strength in

she was outside so

k was sat up

breathtaking, but she cou

them, she was bandaged from head to toe, she could move her body but couldn’t

gns of self-healing, so sheshoul

me, but Dingon only busied himsel

e Archipelagos showed up yesterday, and in trying to welcome them back, the girls got excited. Still you weren’t an object, you were a full bodiedperson yet they stepped on you like you were a doormat or a bug. The women and g

ppened, she also clearly remembered that loyal dog that got physical with her

ood today either for not completing your work for today as well. Constance went ballistic and was firing shots at everyone including the harem’s Beta, so she was hung on a sta

ame sheepishly, the guilt of the whole situation kil

with Constance not getting any food and you too, I had to feed my food to

uddenly felt h

Sesame, “…yes, but you definitely can’t get into the kitchen wi

re Constance keeps


through the empty pal

aircase, but where she was headed was the opening that led

they had doors they didn’t have locks, and if there was somewhere she should be

locked in prison afte

was new and mostl

as she heard moans comi

ellar and saw the back view

revealed the huge penis sliding out o

y regaining her senses and leaving the loyal dog

, and the first thing that met her eyes w

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