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Real Identities

Chapter 5 Attacked

Word Count: 1137    |    Released on: 20/03/2023


y beside Ava s

y shoulders and I j

ited?" She aske

time I saw him play was 2 years ago" s

d school? Two years ago si

e asked, holding m

mumbled as A

g heavily and I chuckled at h

mbled as we rushed to

, my savior. He brushed his hair backwards, swallowing and I saw his Adam's appl

va said and Anna took her

round, I saw his bodyguards, of course they sho

ng towards the loop and I could swear the silence went down. Henry ran to him but the guy kept dodging and I chuckled at the expectant silence of the studen

and I smiled gently. I needed no one to tell me

's team scored four goals whi

the girls but he signaled to them and they moved back. The girls rushed to him trying to

and I took i

called in

see the students walking out of the field, and slowly, I followed them. I smil



main reason I'd always visit sometimes. I sighed walking towards the field, at l



ching the match. Girls gathered around him and for a moment, I felt irritated. Why do they have to be so unashamed? I

t was that? We all thought till we heard it again, this time lo

ard the yell and immediat

And immediately, we heard the gunshot and I saw a guard fall down dead. What? I gas

aw a flash memory. No, I shook my

l in my head and slowly, I w

yelled, shak

' I cried, shakin

gged as he gas



. Jeez, don't tell me it's happening again. I turned bac

at her direction and my guards t

aying but I shook my head staring at th

t but she only kept sha

ing, and I did the unimaginable. I pull

r to her feet and I saw te

nd I looked up to see the gun p

as we hid behind a pillar. The girl whimpered and I looked dow

I covered her mouth to stop

straight I heard the gunshot but I felt no piercing, slowly I opened my eyes to see one of my guards pointing the gun fiercely at the gu

run but I realized I was

only to see he

g her frantically but

in fear, helping

voice call and I

one of my guards said and I

ospital but we need to be out of

s girl in my arms slowly out of the field. And I realized, students

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1 Chapter 1 I'll be attending.2 Chapter 2 I didn't save you, I only had to stop her.3 Chapter 3 I think you draw better4 Chapter 4 He talked to us.5 Chapter 5 Attacked 6 Chapter 6 Get well soon 7 Chapter 7 Just a warning8 Chapter 8 Tricked and was bullied 9 Chapter 9 How did I get to the hospital 10 Chapter 10 I can't tell him I almost got shot.11 Chapter 11 She dislikes you already 12 Chapter 12 Next time, it's going to be on internet 13 Chapter 13 She said I should stay away from Henry14 Chapter 14 Bully someone else and watch me punish you 15 Chapter 15 The school doesn't offer scholarships 16 Chapter 16 You're safe with him 17 Chapter 17 Don't cry18 Chapter 18 Suspending Chloe 19 Chapter 19 Say the name again 20 Chapter 20 Chloe is back to school 21 Chapter 21 I see you grew to be very beautiful 22 Chapter 22 Henry's friend are present 23 Chapter 23 Saved her forehead 24 Chapter 24 A heartwarming talk25 Chapter 25 Planning a movie night 26 Chapter 26 Jack is being silly27 Chapter 27 Seeing her cry28 Chapter 28 Visiting Mia29 Chapter 29 Planning to lay a warning 30 Chapter 30 Bullied again 31 Chapter 31 Saved her in front of the class 32 Chapter 32 Giving him 33 Chapter 33 He's traveling 34 Chapter 34 Going for the movie 35 Chapter 35 A tight hug 36 Chapter 36 Lied about her37 Chapter 37 Wants a picture from her38 Chapter 38 He has a soft spot 39 Chapter 39 Left without a notice 40 Chapter 40 I don't like her.41 Chapter 41 Angry42 Chapter 42 Cold 43 Chapter 43 Making her feel special 44 Chapter 44 Chloe is at it again