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The Volturi Golden Boy

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 832    |    Released on: 20/03/2023



the last time," Demetri says he's the best tracker

here?" I ask trying

ng along with me, but we both knew

e though," I say to him, the night w

tting hold of my arm and dragging me out of the club and back home, I did

ooo!" I scream in his ear making su

itted teeth, I'm attracting t

me he finally let me go, I don't like it when someone ho

a hand, and had a kind smile on her face, even if she's ordering me a

ane, although I'm on a good term with all of the guards, Demet

he says walking me toward the castle, the night was

d having me here, I really need the sleep though. I took off my clubbing clothes, sleeping in my boxers only in Jane's bed, she checked on me, messed with my hair and kissed

ecretary says going inside Jane's room, if I'm

e, I can't hide anymore, I got dressed for the day, deciding to wear something dad would approve of, but after a second thought, he's alread

scared, I saw him and my two uncles sitting in their chairs. I also

Felix is there to protect you, he doesn't have any big talents other th

you to finally join us,"

I say with

ius asks me, I look down and remember

assign a nanny to me again, I'm too old for that, I can tak

make everyone in the castle happy, when I'm sad it's like a dark cloud is passing over the whole place, they prefer to keep me happy mostly. Dad was disappointed, he does

voice, I try to project some calmness from me to him bu

making Demetri scof

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