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I Will Survive

Chapter 3 I Will Survive

Word Count: 930    |    Released on: 28/03/2023

to come out, she was nervous. Because he doesn't know

why I can't resist if Jho

and Tom came out

ife will

o have somethi

head, wha

e: you

and sat n

xt month. because dad plans to

uh? It's n

he first we


are you go

husband will be leav

d that he can

e matter.. Ahhh he

ea there, my wife is ok.

she wants to b


, but it's embarrassing for your

t he is bribing Jhony. He want

s up Tom, that

ing is complicated, why do

k about that. Your

hat Iba is married. And h

hard t

y what Tom was saying. How do I know t

u trust

and read what I m

have that. Why are you going to ignore dad'

ometimes the child will attr

on't want you to be in a r

e: but

ense topic.. I have already

p and went

I goin

and dad.. Then Jhony only flirted once, he didn

co, so it's impossible for us

t mention it to him again. I know that Jhony will be angry with me if I say

e cr here that I J

u'll go up. Lo

y: o

upstairs. The ship had started and that's why t

e any signs, maybe I went t

wn when suddenly I b

that he was wearing a w

: cap

t are you

I'm just lo

is not here

ty passed by Jhony's side bec

ait.. Mi


yes C

o look for

( dead ) yes capt

done with Cr come back here

???? He sai

It's part of

ptain. I will fol

. I'll wai

..and Misty was l

know that Location

en, he was nervous. How com

have lied. I

still praying in the bathroom because he

, Jhony was sitting on the c

ht the bathroo

sorry c

ok. com

slowly. He is

hh Capt. Can I

hy you're training so you know thing

ed by what th

w did he know that h

ng time where I saw you. But I remembered that you we

is so

she is his crush that he has be


ust blu

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