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I Will Survive

Chapter 5 I Will Survive

Word Count: 705    |    Released on: 28/03/2023

one who humbled myself. I understand Tom how I once love

eated so he would

frowned and went straight to

where are

y. I'm going t

What are we

ne. She's married so she should

bout it instead? and get drunk! Then what? Will I ever find out t

e again. I know that you are looking for

me with jhony.! Alright.. I'm fine. But d

t is it?

You know that all I want is for

orce myself, right? We will n

hard Don't gi

non.. So even though it's hard for me to choose marriage

owly realized that Tom was a very Jealous person. Last time I

u? He is the type of person you chose to be wi

e and was using the laptop to organize inventory. The phone was on the table when it suddenly

l use, it still needs to be wetted first. And when it was rea

almost everything you mo

privacy for yourself is gone

ouldn't reciprocate. When you eat almost

tly what jealousy does. The brain

r mother sendin

money? Ju

ked up at w

that my mom texted him

it because he misses Denver. Why is it bad for my parents to text

o will be there and

no contact. So what do I care about the person who is already mar

ld move on because while it's going

to the roo

you know the feeling of being th

to do those things even if

that I felt guilty f

will you be happy in your life

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