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I Will Survive

Chapter 4 I Will Survive

Word Count: 961    |    Released on: 28/03/2023



Why are you st

not reprimanding Capt. I am

Them Prove it bu

hat Jhon

Don't waste what I s

ame when you enter here. So if you w

is ugly) M

ine. I'l

en we go astray,

d, come

to Jhony and held him in m

at his hand that w

e still has his nose an

ugh your papacute... fine,

assed to let go

he's gay that'

him seriously and

n't have a crush on

e you're mad at me until now, you're going to

Misty is getting slee

es a bite)

e slapped her fac

ling at what

Maybe you can sle






INE!! 10


ally agreed. It's like I haven'

y: Ok

Ok, that can be

here. To wake you

iiiistt w

ch and sat on the tabl

here just to be in this and then just get ignored because of the grump

w seconds misty w

lly looking

e passed, he approache

his shoulder

ty .. Misty it

and turned its face to the side in

y: h

face, but later I saw his small face an

stared a

air that was co

ved when I saw

ul.. And her lip

h is why I stood up suddenly and returned to my seat.

: ba

ny.. He is planning to

ce flashed

? My gossshhh

kay babe.. We have

ead f



? Why are t

e that's wha

on't want to go

ot me who will f

happen because we are already m

to. I will tell Jhony no

It's you

e will not win here, but it is certain that Jhony's decision will not c

She called him a while a

someone answ

hello J

? Why were

e I miss you jhony.. Wh

ves you so much, didn't dad tell you that I'm

my jhony.. Your Papa will bond

ma jasmine and pa

m is just as bad as you. He might just s

at won't happen. I think it's j

ned upon he

y? I just want us, maybe t

ly for 2 days.. I'm not allow

But J

Don't be j

'm on duty

y wait..( t

ded? Hmmm fine if you want that kind of fight. okay I will destroy your wife

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