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The Academy

Chapter 2 Pain In The Ass (I)

Word Count: 1274    |    Released on: 02/04/2023

er sisters, saying she caused her mother much pain during thier birth. Since ever they saw the v


e basement” Lia calle

not to spoil the important things there” Gia said from the d

hree of us when we were kids, let's go watch them. I promise will drop it back before mom

of Gia being born , the face of the girls changed, Lia and Mia were close to each other as they b

t you come out normal without causing so much pain, m

ldn't think for myself, isn't this natural' Gia tho

pecting me and Lia, why did you come out to cause m

nk properly then, she wouldn't have caused her mom much pain. But she's being b

personality, look at me and Mia, we like the same things, you always tell the truth to mom, you never back us up. And mom s

me color . While Gia love Black and Purple, her room was also painted that way, she had allergies to most of the things her sister liked, like peanuts, canned foods, garden eggs and shrimps. She loves

them. But as a mother Matilda could sense the tens

or did anyone bullied you tell me I'll go beat them u

n't dare, we just argued out a movie w

ou arguing about?”

o was the best singer, and Gia did

ell mom she's lying? No if I do they'll hate me more, I don't want that.

her thoughts with her mother's question. Lia and Mia gave

aid with the brightest

ther said while re

the pain Gia caused her, we don't want to hurt her again. She always says it

days, where do you want mommy and

sion reduced and bright smiles w

here we'll go, ple

ls if she choose?” Mat

plied in union wi

on Lia ”

ch vacation and th

a, yes mom let's go

is that she just wanted a peaceful birthday, she wanted to get new books, novels and things that will enlighten he



t asleep they waited till it was 12:00 am. Matilda was holding a big cake with the names of the girls written on it,

y angles ” Mom told us as she g

wishes. I wished my sisters wi

ke up for them since my mom owned a cosmetics industry, she started giving them make up kits when we were 5. She got them their latest brand which isn't yet published. We were kid m

D and new headphones. I

aid. Yes we traveled for the beach vacatio

go to bed, we have birthday party to prepare for” Lia and Mia wore a sad

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