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The Alpha’s Claimed Mate

The Alpha's Claimed Mate


Chapter 1 The Beginning

Word Count: 1399    |    Released on: 14/04/2023

sed to be. Happy home and two parents who completely adored her; she didn't need anything else. Growing up, Anna always thought about how she was going to someday fall in love, just lik

y said. "Did you get enough sleep?" She asked even though she knew the answer. Anna gave her a small smile and turned to the closet. She knew May had tried for her by just being there and being super supportive especially since the incident. She put on a pair of loose jeans and her favorite sweater; the same one her mother had knitted for her. When she was done, she walked back into the bedroom to find May still in that position. "Don't worry about me May. I'm going to be fine. It just hurts so much still " Anna said while going to sit beside May on the bed. May hugged her and said "I'm always going to be here for you." "Thank you May. Without you, I'd be lost." Anna said and hugged her tight. "Enough of the love it's too much." Anna joked. "I'm going jub hunting today. I just hope I find something good." "I don't doubt you would. Go get 'em girl." May jokes. "Alright love. I'll see you in a few hours ok? And stay out of trouble would you?" Anna said ruffling May's hair. She kissed her cheeks and ran out before May could tear her apart. May always hated when Anna did that to her. Made her feel like a baby even if she was only a year younger than Anna. Anna walked the small city of Zuba thinking of the job she wanted. Just as she was about to cross the road, something caught her eyes. It was a small bookstore around the corner. She silently said a prayer and walked inside the bookstore. Immediately she stepped foot in, she felt peace envelope her. She knew she wanted to be here. She saw an old lady sitting behind a table and walked over to her. "Hello, good day. My name is Anna and I'm actually looking for a job." Anna said politely to the old lady. "Oh dear, you came in at just the right time. I'm actually looking for someone to assist me seeing as I can't take care of the store alone," The old woman said to her. "My husband owned this place before he was killed by the werewolves many years back," The old woman further explained. "I'm sorry about your husband. I also lost my parents some few weeks ago but I really don't want to think about that for now. That's why I need a job. Something to take my mind off things for a while," Anna said to her sadly. "Oh dear I'm so sorry. It gets better with time I promise," the old lady said to her. "We

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