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The Alpha's Claimed Mate

Chapter 4 Love At First Sight

Word Count: 1297    |    Released on: 14/04/2023

id says from the other end. Damon checks the time and sees it's almost midnight. "I'm sorry man. Got carried away. Raincheck?" He says "Aye my man. You take care," Ingrid says and ends the c

would be when you return from work. I wouldn't want to make you go late," Anna replies. "Okay then. See you later, yes?" Anna says and blows her a kiss and leaves the house. Seeing as she's earlier than usual, Anna decides to take her time walking. She passes by a poster and sees it's one of a missing person, a man precisely. She wonders where he must be. Now this wasn't news in Zuba. Zuba was a town run by the leader of the werewolves and while people like her were referred to as slaves, they made sure not to do anything to upset the werewolves. Walking into the bookstore, she sees Helena sitting behind her old table reading a book. "Good morning Helena. Seems we both individually decided to surprise each other by coming in early today," Anna joked. "Hello child. I'm home all by myself all the time. Decided I needed to come in early today and make use of your company," Helena replies sweetly. "Oh Helena, well I should get started on my work. See you in a few," and with that, Anna skips away happily. Shelf to shelf, Anna goes, cleaning and dusting. When she was done, she went over to find Helena still reading. "I'm done now. I'll just go ahead and pick a book to read," Anna says to Helena. "Ok dear. If you need anything I'm here." Helena said to Anna. "Such a sweet old lady," Anna thought to herself. She goes over to her usual seat in the bookstore and allows the words written on the pages to draw her in. (DAMON'S POV) It's 8am when Damon realizes he's late for work. He takes the quickest shower ever and gets done in no time. Dressed in a fine tailored black armani suit, Damon locks the cabin and drives to the office. On reaching there, he's informed by his secretary that his father is already waiting in his office. "I wonder what he wants this time," Damon thought to himself. He steps into his own office and sees his father already waiting for him. "You're late," came the hard voice that belonged to no other person but Vince Reed. "Wow, didn't notice." Damon replies sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. Damon goes over to his seat and begin

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