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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 716    |    Released on: 24/04/2023

ound out about it, and he had to make her promise not to tell. Leaving for college had h

om stuff like that," he said. "But you know what? I honestly think it would be

just what exactly do you m


d on her bag, not because she was scared, but because she was nervous as hell.

everything planned out for her. She hated it actually. She wanted something different. She wanted adventure and she wanted something to happen in her life

had to do. And her father might be angry now, but she hoped he would get

pened the door and pul

still hugging her. "I can't be

m here too" Nina replied as

blue so I'm very sorry. I was surprised too... honestly I didn't think I was going to get this job and when I did, I just kne

ant. Trust me, I could really use the company. I hate living alone, it gets really boring and I'm really in need of someone to t

rtin looked so different.. Good different... Not that he wasn't good looking before, she had always thought h

id to Abby, then she turned to Julian. "Hi

he stood and extended his hand to

oozed over her like lava. She could no more have kept her gaze from straying to his eyes than she could h

nsual, almost cruel curve of his mouth and the rock-hard jut of his jaw, he reminded her of a long-ago king from a mysterious country, stan

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