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Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 642    |    Released on: 24/04/2023

res were

lroom. The fund-raiser was supposed to be more pleasure than busi

le. He looked relaxed, seemingly in his element, an easy smil

kind of man who’d be at home in the athletic wear his company designed and sold. There was an a

s since she came to live with Abby, she’d be a fool not to entertain the

er boss that he hadn't made a mistake by giving her this job. Her boss and the agency w

d's brother, whom she had known since high school. And it was t

watching him. She would get this, she told herself, not because she knew him pers

e professional sense of course. Hell, he probably knew she wanted him naked and in bed too, because she wasn't sure she had been doing a good j

e sharks. It was a dog-eat-dog world, and in reality, she should be over there, shoving herself down his throat like the rest of her c

de it. Have you sp

ding a foot away. He wasn’t drinking. He didn

ok positively decadent. However are you keep

curling in distaste. “Cut it ou

etty assistant standing a few feet away. When


f-consciously but not before Nina saw

ere while Julian Martin is over there?” Evan scanned the room and his expre

distance of Evan. Though she wouldn’t admit it to Evan, it made her extrem

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