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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 723    |    Released on: 24/04/2023

s better that way. Maybe I don't need your money and now I

at if she stayed on the phone, he would tal

er lap and buried her face in her hands. She looked up and

guy I barely know. He said something about securing my future... Whatever that means. I thought about it a lot and I just can't do it. I can't keep living like that... I want more. I want to make decisions on my own... Good or bad, I don't care. I want adventure. I

the way Julian was starin

d. "Is my pain a

"Nothing... Of cour

n right?" she asked. "Do you think I'm crazy for leaving? Now that he has cut me off, I'm not go

is head. "No, I don't thin

not truly happy living like that, you did the right thing by leaving. Your father will see it soon too, just give it time. Perhaps h

ng that he was right."Thank you, Julian," she said. "You haven't cha

nformed Nina that her ro

wer and then I'm gonna jum

er?" Abb

e... I'm not really hungry… don't

s anything left anyways because Julian ate ev

keep you company. Consider it payment for my time spent." he said. "And now that Nina is here, I hope you get enoug

hat. I have Nina to keep me company now, so maybe y

ggestion some thought, then he shook his h

t," Abb

prepared for her, and shut the door, she had a feeling that everything was going

didn't really ha

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