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Word Count: 2793    |    Released on: 06/05/2023

away from him and wait on his word. There were several sticks wrapped in cloth next to him and, without warning, John began throwing t

threw a variety of kicks and punches some moves Maxwell didn't know that the human body could do, causing Maxwell to go on

m getting old, but this boy is the real deal", and with that rockets himself towards Maxwell, who is still trying to get back on his feet. Maxwell only notices that attack at the last second and rolls out the way, as he does this, he can see that John's attack completely shattered that boulder into pieces. "If that punch landed on him, he would certain

and, bringing it down towards Maxwell. Maxwell grabs a nearby stick and propels himself to block the attack. After that, the two went on an all-offensive, no holding back battle, with each one blocking the other ones' attacks and trying to counter this went on for several minutes. Before Maxwell grew

we are going to fix that" replied John "How?" asked Maxwell. Well today you're going to do one hundred pushes one hundred situps, one hundred squats, and after all that one that big rock across there," remarked John as he points in opposite direction to where Maxwell well was standing. As Maxwell turned around he was in shock to see the massive rock two his size and about ten times his weight. "I

ly but John could even awake from sleep determine to move the rock up the hill. He moves the rock to the base of the hill but with everything to push it up the hill, the hill would just push back down. For hours Maxwell and hill battle with the hill be victorious until he brought the rock halfway up the hill. But it froze him because of the pressure the task had placed on his body. He was stuck. His body trembled with overwhelming pain, his chest felt like it was caving in on him, his heart was beating in an offbeat manner. The only thing that was keeping him standing was his mindset and willpower. Maxwell starte

"To go get your family's weapon," laughed John. "I am," proclaimed Maxwell in excitement, as if he was still a young boy. "Yes you are, you just have to complete one last test," replied John. "what is it?" replied Maxwell. "Battle and beat Gustave," replied John in a seriously deep tone." Gustave?" asked Maxwell, whose tone also changed from excited to serious. "Yes Gustave," remarked John. Gustave was a Helvete bear, which was a massive brown or sometimes black creature that weighed about eight hundred to nine hundred pounds and stood at seven to eight feet tall. The bears have 6-inch claws to go with their massive size and overwhelming strength and sharp 4 inch long teeth. But G

s pitch black and visibility was impossible, but even with poor visibility he could he Gustave watching him and without hesitation, Gustave attacked launching himself towards Maxwell with blinding speed. Maxwell pulled out his dagger and stab the bear in one of his paws but because of Gustave's overpoweri

he bear roared in pain Maxwell remembered that a Helvete bear's weakness is in its mid rib cage as they have a spot that when hit knocks the wind out of them just like the solar plexus in humans. Maxwell roundhouse kicks the bear in his rib cage causing the bear to fall over. As Gustave came crashing down Max

stave lying on the ground unable to move, as Maxwell approached the bear he can hear small roars coming from somewhere at first he taught it was Gustave using the last of

young man's mind causing him to cry. Maxwell took a deep breath and sighed. "How can I kill a father protecting his children that not how warriors conduct themselves," remarked Maxwell as he exited the cave. While walking out Maxwell turned to Gustave "Try not

ave. I could and I should have but I couldn't," remarked Maxwell. "why not?' asked John. "When I saw him trying to protect his clubs even if death was the only option it remained me of my father and I don't want to be a man that kills a father trying to protect his young even if it Gustave" replied Maxwell "Just I failed right?'" Maxwell continued. John took a dee

sat silently, always wanting to know about his master's past but was always too afraid to ask. " As you know, I used to be a warrior from a land far from here," remarked John. Maxwell shook his head. "When I was a boy, about eleven or twelve, I was gifted as a warrior. I could defeat groups of grown men in my village. By age fifteen, I was the chief of my village and handled the village's defense and protection. By age sixteen, I

e the remaining villagers and me into a boat and ship us here. For years, I worked picking their crops, tending their animals, being whipped, kicked, and stripped of my true self. Until one day, I snapped and killed the guards on the plantation. I even free my people but instead of rejoicing in their fre

he tears began running down his face. Maxwell walked over to John and placed his head on his forehead." I can't bring back your family but I can save mine and you can become a part of it" remarked Maxwell whilst John looked up to him in shock."Since my dad died you have been the closes thing to him I might not be your son

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