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Word Count: 3647    |    Released on: 06/05/2023

ked John. "For me?" replied Maxwell. "Yes, I think you will need it," remarked John. "Thank you," replied Maxwell as he left. I Maxwell reached the center of the forest. He saw the

e blade being its widest point as it

sword, he saw a piece of paper attached to it. Opening the paper, he saw a note which read:" To you, Maxie, you have come so far from when I found you. You grew into such a fine warrior and young man and for that, I give you this sword which was given to m

strous Trolls in blizzard storms who hate a craving for human meat, and use their ability to mimic human speak to lure people to their deaths. He even encounters the rare and even more so powerful desert cycl

nts engraved on it. Maxwell tried to push them open, but it was too heavy. Confused about how to enter, he placed his on the engraved handprints. A sharp and piercing pain shot through his two hands as he pulled away from his hand. Blood started dripping from them. As he looked at the doors he can see his blood travel through the doors in some sort of p

ands of the statues, he found what he was looking for all these years. In one of the statues was a pair of gauntlets and in the other statues hands was a giant ax. Just by looking and the weapons something in Maxwell's heart told him these were what he was looking for. As he walked towards his g

"I came to claim what belongs to me" replied Maxwell as he points to the direction of the two statues. "You may be of his blood but your heart is not pure, it is filled with revenge and hatred you can not have t

s purplish-red in color but it was deadly to the touch as they instantly melted the statues holding the weapons. Maxwell dodge the flames and drew the sword John had given him. The dragon roared with such might that it shook the entire mountain as if the mounta

ab him with his sword. Maxwell took off with blazing speeding dodging the flames of the dragon, Maxwell then thrust his sword into the dragon's stomach stabbing him. The dragon roared in pain and pinned down Maxwell with his claws. Maxwell used his sword, cutting

o see it dead from being buried in too much rumble. The ax was too heavy for Maxwell to pick it up. Maxwell turned and saw the gauntlets and concluded that they must be used in order to lift the ax. Maxwell strapped on the gauntlets the dragon and lion markings on them glowed a bright reddish color. Maxwell walk

're safe". remarked John. "But I brought back the ax," replied Maxwell. "I saw that but an ax no who made it can never replace you, my son," answered John. After sitting and talking for a while, Maxwell presents the gauntlets for John to try on. "I know it was your dream master to wield this weapon am happy I could make it a

, even his. You were a boy," remarked John." Time for a new hairstyle. After his hair was out, John grab a sharp rock and began shaving Maxwell's hair. He shaved it until Maxwell's hair formed a Mohawk. Maxwell turned to John, "Now you look like a warrior". remarked John. "Thank you, master," replied Maxwell as he leaves to go back to his old village. "Please be safe and give them hell," proclaimed John. Maxwell smiled and shook his head and left. At the break of dawn the next morning, Maxwell arrived at the roadway heading to his village. As he walked down, he remembered what h

, the old lady fell screaming " please don't kill me please don't". Maxwell looked at the woman confused as to who she was until he saw her eyes it was his mother but how. Her beautiful skin was now marked and bruised. Her hair was completely grey and as she walked she dragged one of her legs but it was his mother. As she scream Maxwell walked over to her, "It's me maaaa it's me" proclaimed Maxwell. The wom

ghters, hence the marks on my skin". As Maxwell listened to his mother, he grew more and more bloodthirsty. "How could they touch my mother?" Maxwell thought to himself as he continued to listen to his mother's

laimed his mother." And am using it to free everyone," replied Maxwell. "But how you are still outnumbered" remarked his mother." I need to find where the rest of men are quick to get my plan in motion." replied Maxwell. "The men in village sneaked out and hide in the back of the swamp to drink. They should be there now," remarked his mother. "Thanks,

on, he would be dead. Maxwell continued laughing and stated," It me, you fool it Maxwell". "Maxwell," remarked the man, still confused." If You're Maxwell, then you can tell me who I had a crush on when we were kids,". the man shouted. Maxwell smiled and whispered something in the man's ear. The man turned to Maxwell and hugged "it's you, Maxie, I thought you dead". The rest of the men, realizing who it was, ran off and

ted Mr. Welson. "It's me Maxie boy don't you remember me you had your guards kill my father in front of me" replied Maxwell. "Maxwell that you," remarked Mr. Welson. "So what you found some legendary weapon and you come to kill is that it?" asked Mr. Welson "exactly" Maxwell replied. "You do realize you are surrounded by my guards" laughed Mr. Welson, unfazed Maxwell just smiled which enraged Mr. Welson shouted to his men to kill him. As the guards rushed forwards towards Maxwell, he drew his mighty ax and swung it into the ground causing a shock wave so strong it instantly killed the gua

ping across his body. "Remember this, I think you said forty for each of us right?" laughed Maxwell as he counted from one to forty. After all forty strokes were done Maxwell tied the whip around Mr. Welson's neck and began choking him as the man cried and begged for his life. As Maxwell continued choking the man, he could hear the voice of Domonmo speaking to him "you ar

as they rejoiced they proclaimed they Maxwell was their leader as without him they would be slaves forever. Six months later with their defenses built Maxwell headed over to his old home to retrieve his master. As he entered the home he realized that it was in even worst condition than usually concerned Maxwell quickly ran into the bedroom to look for his master. Entering the bedroom he saw his master laying in bed barely clin

looked at him "I had you did I?" continued John as Maxwell looked on in shock. "I love you my son take care of yourself, take of your people, and most important ever forget who you are, Safaei I ready to come home" and with that John was gone. As Maxwell cried on top of his master he whispered" I never got to show you that I learned your true name, farewell Amhaselassie". Maxwell composed himself and as he left the house carrying his master's body he could feel so

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