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Word Count: 2514    |    Released on: 06/05/2023

e claimed the girl was unsellable and that he was losing money because of her. He chokes the girl and even though her blue hair was blocking her eyes, Kiyoshi could tell she was ter

he others. Kiyoshi walks over to the trader, pressing down on the trader's chest with his foot and slits his throat. As the trader bleeds out on the ground, the other slave traders took notice and began gath

Kiyoshi as the rest of them. In his hand appears to be a bible-like book which he was apparently reading before the commotion took place. The man closes the book and, with his blue eyes, looks over to Kiyoshi and takes a deep breath. "You there, samurai. For what reason do you kill these men? ". replied the man. "They were slave traders and needed to die". replied K

ight now," remarked Tyrook. "I know," answered Kiyoshi as he tries to escape. "Plus, it won't be a good look to kill these religious nut jobs, then you will surely look like a demon that killed holy people," added Lilly. As father Tengo continues to praise their goddess, the peacemakers draw their weapons from under their robes and advance on Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi looks around and sees an opening through an alleyway and runs for it. With Kiyoshi escaping through the alleywa

o chase Kivuli, thinking he was Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi asked if Kivuli will be alright and Tyrook remains him that Kivuli is one the strongest demons trapped within the sword. Kiyoshi relaxes as he knows to himself that Tyrook. As Kiyoshi is finally leaving the town of Pwater for good, he is approached by a different group o

oddess shine upon us. I would be terrified too if I was a disgusting dirty demon-like yourself." declared father Patrick. "This is like the sixth or seventh time we met them and every time we do would be they are crazy," remarked Kivuli who had just returned to the sword. "Their fucking idiotic losers, the lot of them," replied Tyrook, pissed off at the situation. "Agreed" noted Lilly. "Sigh looks like we

ate the heads of both men, killing them. Instead of being afraid of Kiyoshi because of his gruesome actions, the remaining men saw him as more of a demon than a man, which strengthens their resolve. The men, even though they outnumbered Kiyoshi, still fell victim to Kiyoshi's skill set as a swordsman as he breezes through them like a hot knife through butter. As he finishes one of the men off, an arrow sticks him in the arm. Kiyoshi looks up, annoyed to see an archer hiding in a tree. "Not this bullshit again," remarked Kiyoshi as he remembers the bandit scout from Maxwell's camp. Kiyoshi looks at the archer with demonic eyes, causing the archer to almost fall back with fear. The archer draws his arrow to fire again but realized that Kiyoshi is no longer in sight, before he can find his target Kiyoshi appears in front of him, now he has become the target as Kiyoshi drives his sword into the archer's neck as the two falls to the ground. Kiyoshi gathers himself as the archer lies dead. Before stand father Patrick and several other men. Two swordsmen and six men with sp

man advancing in one him, Kiyoshi roundhouse kicked the spear, breaking and sending the tip into the air. Kiyoshi catches the tip with his free hand and launches it towards father Patrick, who blocks it by twirling his chain ball in a circular motion. But it gave Kiyoshi enough to cut down the final spear welder without being interrupted. With just him and father Patrick now, Kiyoshi had some questions for h

tard, your death will be painful for your words against the goddess". Shouted father Patrick as he became furious with Kiyoshi's words. As the two men squared off, a loud horn could be heard. As the pair looked, they

they break the sound barrier."You can't block my attack forever, demon" declared father Patrick as their attacks destroy nearby statues, signs, and even trees. " He is actually pretty good," remarked Tyrook. "Maxwell was a hundred times better ", replied Kiyoshi. "You have to might he is one of the best we have fought beside a member of the grace." Tyrook continued. "He

d will be defeated. Kiyoshi, enraged splits open his throat, finally killing him. " I enough of your foolish rant" Kiyoshi shouted as he watched father Patrick's body on the ground. With sirens blazing, Kiyoshi realized backup was soon to arrive. "Kiyoshi"

ied Kiyoshi "I know but it makes your case of not being a demon even harder when you kill them." remark Sairon "I know master I know" replies Kiyoshi as he sits on a rock. "Anyhow, what is done is done. We have a new mission to attend to," Sairon remarked. "Great," replied Kiyoshi sarcastically. Sairon looked at him, annoyed, and continued on. "I will send

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