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Love Behind The Scene

Love Behind The Scene


Chapter 1 The festival

Word Count: 1135    |    Released on: 26/06/2023

aring to welcome the idol to the house. Madhulika was

oconuts, the red flowers, and the

ulika was very tired, she had been the one making preparations. Her younger sister wasn't even doing

, lazy and bad mouthed. Although she

from Kashika because of how

market and buy the things, please, j

ter all, it worths it... Today we are bringing Lord G

to the market, she greete

he seller gave her som

She smiled at the woman and a

ed. I will also wish for the lord to make my dream of becoming an actress come

er to look at the person, she just bent down to pick her ba

idn't want to get angry because it was a special d

ne " She yelled and

e figure in front of he

front of her made her speechless.

from a normal India guy. 'Perhap

as the one that did" He snapped at her. His Engl

d back at him. "Didn't you also bump into me. Listen Mr man, don't..." S

herself and made to walk away, but

. She carefully dropped the bag on the floor

t with her right hand, and g

man scream

f madhulika. Goodbye" She picked

that her mother was impa

took you so lon

uffs" She replied and han

re too much?"Divya was worried because of the way m

...."Madhulika was saying, when she heard

" She ran outs

carrying the god, while some were playing drums and

a!" One of them s

chorused, inclu

red her ha

together, and bowed. "Hail

e right place, and then di

al. The whole family was present i

he took the tray containing the candle and other things,

so desperate to become an actress. I don't know why but I feel like toda

ally came to an end, everyone

ng up a play, she didn't know when kas

to rip that eyes off yours out" She sai

she walked pass Madhulika who was so busy

nly to see a man she h

are you?"

rtment 3?"The m

from India. He looks so cute... Kashika this i

there" She replied, pointin

Kashika stopped him by saying, "We are celebrating today, come in and

rtment is a stone throw from her

Come in" She dragged the stran

king to herself. He couldn't see her

as acting. He was bemused

zy attitude and please sit" Kashika said

see the face of the lady. He f

presence of people in the living room. She sta

ere both

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