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Love Behind The Scene

Chapter 5 Not bad

Word Count: 1167    |    Released on: 26/06/2023

the first day the cute g

the door when sh

e you?" She


ned when reali

ur neighbor!"

like this and you didn't

She picked the bags from the floor

t" Shru

me. Madhulika is going to

ow? What if it something

ble one day" Kashika rolled her eyes and opened the do


zza s

store and then came down. She removed the he

ore and walked straight

d a faint 'Come

s middle thirties could be seen

he said immediately she got in and the m

at case, you have to make one more deliv

explain why she didn't come early,

livery or go home without getting

is laptop and resume

s could kill, the man would have

st delivery and get her pay, than going home now with nothing when she had

se, apartment three. Pryanti would

ut does anyone stay in apartment three?

ce and went to the room whe

me to package the orders, I will inform you when I am don


use, Salma could be seen walking around, inform

married to someone like Naman" A woman said the moment

why on earth does she wants to get married to

he place with a smile

ttery or something?"

your very own good girl is getting married to the notorious Naman" She spilled out and when she

udy!" Her mum (The firs

ring me to her, it's annoying"

man muttered and walked away, leavin


f the apartment. She removed her helm

the bike, opened the plac

e package and wa

repeatedly till t

ll from her hand the moment she saw wh

lowly, trying so hard

rt she was wearing, then at the name w

o, it was more like a statement, cause from the loo

just a coincidence?" It was annoying

" He paused and sighed. "How are you feeling now? Aren't you suppose

t concern when he was the one that caused it. "It all thanks t

g to give to you, didn't she give you?" He asked. H

at, and why did you gi

and walked inside without replying her

nger that he totally ignored her an

ch this arrogant guy

, but then remembere

to the door and

ed frustrated stepped out. "The book"

" She furrowed her brows an

the client to sign? I know this because I

eturned the book

you are doing this job, but just know that your health

ow when a smile foun

was the first time someone was

(Liam) wasn't as

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