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The infinite growlers

The infinite growlers

Author: Sam Chase

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 2067    |    Released on: 02/07/2023

f being observed, he could sense the gazes of his fellow classmates fixed upon him. This had become a routine occurrence since the moment he

ps, he couldn't shake off the burden of their penetrating gazes following him from behind. Throughout his life, he had always been susceptible to being targeted by bullies, but

o class. He had always been a good student, and no

y her usual group of friends. She had long, curly hair that fell in soft waves around her fac

said, keeping

e responded with

is interactions with Edith, the most popular girl, who had ne

fed him. He would never be able to blend in with th

only in legends; a beast that

to take his seat, located at the ext

nt, but it was there. Thrain focused his senses, trying to p

ly focus, his attention had totally been dra

tside the school, he had a mix of silver, gray re

tes with the hereditary gene of a human, but this was differen

thought he was, he took his gaze back, out th

n! Th

lled out for Thrain, the

ssroom teacher's hand fell with a thud on his table, he

lassroom teacher hated diverted atte

u tell me the name of the process that converts light energy into

n's head shot up, and he a

thesis, M

n one to participate in class, and he assumed he was just another

as surprised as Mr. Thomas felt. They had ne

ent sitting in the front whispered the an

o the maximum. "Photosynthesis," his super hearing fi

rang, signifying the e

assignments are all done," said Mr. Thomas. "And

I unde

Thomas left. Thrain picked up his bag an

ing already?

hing is bothering me and making me feel uneasy," he said, glancing at the w

scuss it

catching the attention of

," he mutt

t first. "For what?" she fin

d walking, turned back a

ered to herself, finally


arplugs, all he heard were murmurs, whispers, and gossip from the people

! Wo

e, the barking stopped and the dog sat back down. Thrain got clos

ecies now, so let's get al

response, as if understandi

barked in response. Thrain stood u

ready late since he had stopped at a fr

in!" his mother shouted at him,

Mark, Mum!" Thrain said, p

hear about this," his mother

the rough carpet. He was exhausted after a long day of playing video games,

ot like he has time for his fa

of relief, headed towards his room. The sound of th

y one, to make

He felt an unshakable sense of loneliness. There was no one here to share his pain, no

t, the same one that lingered from school. It made him feel uneasy. He quickly rushed to his

ardrobe?" he thought, but he d

s the window, he was met with a pair

sense of oppression, like being looked down upon. All he wanted to do now was obey eve

ed, barely visible to his eyes. He felt relie

are the same!" Thrain

As he finally cooled off, he laid on his bed, pondering the situation


our lives we


we ar

there's alw

when you'r

l be yo

lp you


'm gon

dy to l

he woods. The suspenseful song played loud

ng down. The trees began to blur together, and soon they were

. They paused the song and listened intently. All was silent,

that?" Fion

oods for something as lame as a picnic?" Ethan replied, his v

ar. "And now it's my fault that you're here, huh?" s

hout at her, but there was one thing that was keeping

come with us," he muttered, running his hand through his

guy with anger issues. This is probably why y

you just c

ped his sentence halfway, spotting the glowing red eyes again, staring at th

claimed, frustration evident in his

owards them. Ethan grabbed Fiona's h

that something was chasing them. They could hear the creature's

. The loud thuds made by the creature's feet were no longer audible. "I th

here. We'll come back for your car

aze was intense, piercing, and filled with fear. Slowly, he turned his

e real," he murmure

h a mix of desperation and adrenaline, not even sure what kept her moving - the will

r legs grew sore, and she collapsed onto the ground,

erself, hearing the heavy breathing of the creature above her.

ha wer

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