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The infinite growlers

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1513    |    Released on: 02/07/2023

seemed endless and tiring, leading them further away from their destination. The eerie silence of

harmless. They finally spotted the car in the distance and approached it cautiously.

trouble?" Mark exclaimed, pulling out f

by his actions. "Gloves? Are

lice will get involved. If your fingerprints are found on the car, you could be seen as an accomplice.

es Mark threw at him and opened the car door to examine the inside. He tried start

ead," Mark said, rubbing his chin thoughtfull

rge footprints deeply imprinted in the ground

n't that in the direction

have to do with anything?

was in problem-solving mode and didn't have time to explain. "Ethan would have

in asked, seeki

rain and said, "He

han lying unconscious. Mark rushed to his side, calling out his name and shaking hi

getting late and dark," Thrain sugg

Mark asked, worry

ain reassured. He hoisted Ethan onto his

ely. "Come on, Mark! Fiona will be fine. Let's foc

caught Fiona's scent and were closing in on the location. Officer Johnson swiftly


ously answered it. "Hello, this is Mrs.

d," the voice on the other end informed her. Details of th

alert, she hurriedly


d with her neck and some other parts of her body heavily bandaged. She had a pale look on her f

over to hold her hand. Fiona's fingers were cold and clammy. Mrs.

ing, my love?” Mr

plied with a weak voice

lways been strong for her daughter, but seeing her

said, tears welling up in her eyes. “I should ha

ona, squeezing her mother's hand. “

an't stand to see you like this. I

“Just being here with

y, careful not to touch the bandages. She felt Fiona's

” she whispered softly. “I won't l

your work?” Fiona sai

her. “I'll take care of it. Right now, my priority

back down in the chair. She held her daughter's ha

health. He checked her temperature, heartbeat, and

leave the hospital... I mean, when will she b

nd then back at Mrs. Anderson. His j

a's back. To his surprise, there was no sign of any wound. It was cl

ealed?” the doctor


arth and musk as a pack of werewolves gathered under the moonlit sky. Their

d, his massive and muscular form exuding po

s tonight. Our territory has been threatened by the vampires once again. They have been en

n the pack. They knew Zane

pose of the Infinite Growlers

unite different species against the vampires' atr

nts? Are you trying to increase your autho

trong connection with those two, and I had no

sighing. “Very well. They are now your res

depended on his strength, and casting him aside would be a waste.

w, there is a young man I want to introduce

omega was usually considered weak, withou

ersonally want to introduce him t

pack, he or she is meant to be weak," Zane explained. "But this young man appears to be exceptional. I

was shocked at

ore he was probably kicked o

ers is finally active and planning on setting up in our territory. We must

of howls. They knew that a battle was com

to a close, they dis


ecome who

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