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The infinite growlers

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1481    |    Released on: 02/07/2023

ealizing he was already

e always watching

one other than the zeta in a pack, but my research never stated them to

e point. The full moon..." Alex said, looking str

hat. Mark told me alr

," Alex said, getting closer,

of anything apart from Al

of torture will coerce me into speaking a word," Mark replied, barely

us since he could hear Mark's heart

picked your friend up. I'll be waiting for

I don't?" T

hat's up to you. Just don't be around Mark.

cing down, regained its original tem

s he mean by that?" Thrain as

all were-creatures lose their sense of rationality. They become bloodthirsty c

moon doesn't so

ike it wanted to watch every part of his existence drown in the abyss of regret.

rie feeling," he whispered s

t time he had ever experienced this. He coul

" he uttered as he checked his wristwatch. It was

, he was out of the house. As he walked down the road, he caught sight of a middle-aged woman, a lady who was barely f

t's gonna be pretty dangerous out here till

gressively, but it seemed sh

blurted out as a snarl wa

eing we have a symbiotic relationship... let's get along so well," she said

nger due to his intuition. His heart began pounding in his chest as he dashed through the dense woo

into his pocket trouser. "My

oicemail. After several attempts, it finally rang, unfortunately, Mark did

woods were so dense and offered no help. The only thing he could

ilver bullet. She really didn't want this one to let loose. Finally, s

in knew that if he didn't find a safe place to hide

tration? Alex asked me to meet him at the

to where Alex would most likely be. Thrain panted heavily, wh

een hit by something. Checking, he found a dart stuck in his left

e was running out of time. He tried to push h

osition. "That was a tranquilizer dart, you know," she s

h, but he managed to lift his head and look int

sa didn't attack him. Instead, she knelt

ery lucky,

lucky?" he asked, his vo

here won't be a reas

t the answer he was supposed to hear? H

my silver

silver I can find, it's because Friday is a f

the clueless Thrain (omega) let out a howl—a


p playing with that big black cat? Do

t alone. What's that got to do

ile setting up the table for dinner. "Charlotte is a great example of all my teach

ldn't be starving for not eating dinner even wh

behavior when your aunt arrives, and please be ni

. "Fifteen minutes to midnight," he thought

at him as he ran up the stairs. "And now

he fuck was I doing without my cell phone this whole time? I can't believe I forg

on your sister?" Mark's m

sn't her first time coming to

at on the sofa, continuing to read his newspaper, while Charlotte pla

ark, who was dead worried about Thrain. He continuously dialed Thrain'

s he okay?" Mark worried unt

is late at night?" he wonder

, "Mark, is E

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