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The final Game

Chapter 3 John's little brother

Word Count: 640    |    Released on: 03/07/2023

The sun beat down on the field, casting long shadows across the turf. He had dreamt of this moment since he wa

alent for the game. His footwork was impeccable, and his passes were precise. But this

players on the field, studying their techniques and strategies. He knew that he had

good! What's your name?" a burly man with a clipboard asked, standing

d been observing Mike's skills throughout the practice, and he was impressed. Coach Johnson explained that t

ad been waiting for, the chance to prove himself on a bigger stage and fulfill his dreams of becoming a profe

ly, refining his technique and stamina. He pushed himself beyond his limits, knowing that this was his mo

ented young players from all over the region had gathered, each hoping to secure a place on the team. Mik

xecuting precise passes, making brilliant tackles, and scoring remarkable goals. He moved a

but he refused to let it overwhelm him. He knew that his love for the game and his tireless dedication had

soared. He had given it his all, and he hoped it was enough to impress t

ange his life forever. It was Coach Johnson, his voice filled with excitement and congratulation

mily and friends. All the sacrifices, the countless hours of training an

ved around football. He trained with som

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