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The final Game

Chapter 4 The tragic game

Word Count: 596    |    Released on: 03/07/2023

any other, bustling with energy and excitement. Mike and his older brother John were both passionate

tion on the pitch unbreakable. John, a skilled midfielder, possessed a vision and technique that few cou

to defy comprehension, tragedy struck. As John dribbled the ball down the field, he collapsed without warni

isbelief. The air was thick with anxiety as medics arrived, desperately trying to stabilize Jo

ootball pitch and tragically passed away. The shock and grief that engulfed Mike and his family were

panion. Mike struggled to find solace in football, the game that had once brought him so m

his boots, to step onto the pitch without feeling the overwhelming weight of his broth

d in the center, gazing at the empty stands, the ghosts of the past haunting his thoughts. But in that mo

John's infectious laughter, his unwavering belief in Mike's abilities, and the bond the

. He realized that John would have wanted him to continue pursuing their shared dream.

grief into every kick of the ball. He embraced the pain, knowing that it would fuel his determinati

once a place of sorrow, could also become a sanctuary for his healing heart. He played with

lent began to spread, catchi

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