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The final Game

Chapter 5 An international game

Word Count: 643    |    Released on: 03/07/2023

anticipation, their voices echoing through the air. This was the moment he had dreamt of since he was a child, the chance to re

ad caught the attention of national team scouts, and they had invited him to join the squad for an upcoming interna

national team camp, surrounded by a group of talented players from across the country. Each training se

rved the players closely. He recognized Mike's potential and saw the fire in his eyes.

waiting the team's performance, hoping for a victory that would unite them in celebration. Mike knew that h

ey with pride, the emblem on his chest a symbol of honor and responsibility. Stepping onto the pitch, he looked ar

mosphere. Every sprint, every tackle, and every pass was executed with precision and purpose. The chemistr

h ease. His vision on the field was exceptional, making accurate passes that unlocked the opponent's defe

n one swift motion, he evaded a defender, shifting the ball to his preferred foot. With a thunderous strike, the ball soared towards the top corn

is team, and they continued to press forward, hungry for victory. Mike's energy

a cacophony of cheers, chants, and applause. The joy on Mike's face was undenia

d become a national hero, a symbol of the nation's passion and resilience. The media praise

ting his

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