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My Courageous Heart


Word Count: 1392 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 09/07/2023

week and when she had closed from

r the other day entering into the exact

derstood that she couldn't approach him t

azel was sent to drop a file on the Kate'

wasn't looking." Haze

ied, standing opposite her,

e figuring out what Ethan meant

t mind my surrounding." Hazel explained, giving a faint

nlessly and walked past her i

that had just been employed into the marketing de

cretly smiled to herself as she wasn't ex

he knew it wouldn't be so possible she get connected to

and continued


Amelia's Wilson's death anniversary who happened to be Ethan's late lo

osed for the day, since their working hours is 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Only if there we

ced it on the ones she had printed earlier, b

igher executives. Getting to Kate's desk, she droppe

sted and famished

' Who had given her an extra work and instructed that she

pencil-low heels on the tiled floor, when her eyes

oor, as she wasn't hearing a

w she was cognizant of seeing him leave the company at 6-7 p.m almost ever

it to grasp the happenings inside the office-prob

she knocked on the door gently,

What could be hear

ious as she called

dent E

another few seconds, then she took up the courage to

ooked wasted as he sat on his couch, drunk, with empt

off and unaware of the

t first as she stood rooted to her spo

he became that way or why

uential, and unique man whom most

r spot and moved cl

home now." She said to him as she glanced at her

s left before she would va

by wrapping his right arm over her shoulders

eys with her eyes, and luc

Ethan's body rested heavily on her, but she

, they got to the lowest floor, and she added

popped on her forehead, as Ethan was a

d, Hazel pressed the remote key, a

s who drove cars like that of Ethan's, hence,

erly at the back, and then she real

a proper way to see if his phone wa

. She only had eight minutes left to leave the company

d luckily she saw the phone on the floor u

. She unlocked the phone with Ethan's f

er's number, she saw a number that

ndered who it could be - maybe his

ed with 'Driver Jeff' and sh

e other party pick

D group; Sorry, are you Mr Ethan's driver? Hazel

e with his phone?" Jeff probed

now". Please, can you come over to take him home?"

r today which he agreed to, and to be factual, it's really too late for me to come o

ot knowing if she had done right or wrong as she felt, spilling Ethan's present state to

you drive" Jeff asked, already deciphering who she was, as he

ll have to text me the

h". "I will text you now". Je

phone, and Hazel rushed into the car immediately while


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