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My Courageous Heart


Word Count: 1227    |    Released on: 09/07/2023

groaned in discomfort

arview mirror and saw

w a spot safe for parking, as the cops migh

shed to the back seat. She noticed

car; unfortunately, Ethan was fast

but chose not to mind, and she h

led water, quickly wiping off the substanc

eous smell emanating from her shi

d with all her strength, she was able to help him in after

She got a small towel from his room and wet it with war

nd wiped his face with the towe

pped the towel and couldn't

g heavily a few months ago, so whatever she h

y clutched, and before she could say a word, she was flung on Ethan's hard

ation, and she stared

ve me again?" Ethan mumbl


e him

hat she saw the name "Amel" in h

wants to run off for the second time?

rab the full meaning of what Ethan had just mumbled, w

. In a twinkle, Ethan's lips docked on hers, making he

sturdy as he deepened the kiss and pressed her two hands over her he

her system, which made it difficu

and in that beat, she got the opportunity to be with him that way. She couldn't tell

touch as she couldn't control her awoken urge any

f flas


sed, and after a few minutes, T

rmly, being aware of the kin

rge dining area of the Wilsons and they engaged

nning RD group all by you

must say not easy." Ethan

awareness of how much it require

our Amelia couldn't do away with him." Shannon Wilson smiled, gazing

to Amelia's last wish. He shook his head silently, not liking the idea of what

ts kept on praising Ethan, while his parents als

n stepped out of her room to

here." Jane wore an astounding look, following a

our resting hours, come sit, you haven't been eating

while she glanced through and found out that, th

d, but she quickl

nconvenience you, the only seat availab

he continued with his meal. He respected her as she was his late girlf

joined the two families at the d

niversary, next month, so we would love to see yo

to celebrate, thank you for inviti

y be there."

t day, remember this is the time you have to look more ap

n." Jane replied, understa

ng, do you plan for any romantic relationshi

tion from Maltida, same as Shannon, only

her throat be

st wish, with that I can honour her words since she has passed on and it's bes

three men who didn't show too much

was immediately lace

issue—Could this be the reason the Wilsons had

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