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Quit Your Worrying!


Word Count: 2516    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ry is dishonoring to our civilization, and especially to our professions as Christians is self-evident. Let us then look briefly in the book we call our Holy Bible, our

e may be equally assured that we

ve a very clear idea

thing by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving

lness, worry about nothing, but in everything prese

understanding shall keep your hearts

s there in a heart full of the peace of God, which passeth all un

, sings practically the sam

bear, and doubt

is says, his scheme

of us whom He wh

n and welcome; 'ti

, peace. How full the Bible is of promises of rest to those who know and love God and his ways of right-doing. Mendlessohn took the incitement of the psalmist (Psalm 37:7), "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him," and made of it one of the tenderest, sweetest songs of all time. Full of yearning over the worried, the

uld read and ponder. It is the prophet Isaiah's assurance that God says to

g sleep. What a wonderful and forceful figure of speech, illustrative of a never-ceasing fact that the Spirit of all good, the supreme Force of Love and Power in t

ot call upon this Loving Maternal Soothing Power? Why not

urance, or shut out the daily joys of existence in their business absorption, because they dread poverty in their old age. "W

ain and rebuke it. What a wonderful sermon He preached. It is worth while repeating it here, and wise would that m

s stature? And why are ye anxious concerning raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin; yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God doth so clothe the grass of the field, which to-day is, and to-morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Be not therefore anxious, saying, What shall

drives you to it. Work persistently, consistently and worthily, because no man can live-or ought to live-without it, but do not let work be your slave driver, your relentless master, urging you on to drudgery, bondage to your counter, ledger or factory, until you

ertainly it can do no harm to those who worry to see how their mental habit ha

keeps the body in order, promotes digestion, induces the sleep of perfect restoration and is one of man's greatest blessings. But worry brings dis-ease (want

en this proverb was most rife, the superstitious held that a cat had nine lives. Now, surely, the deep meaning of the proverb is made apparent. Though the cat were posses

ters impossible. No man of great achievements ever worried during his period of greatness. Had he done so his greatness could never have been achieved. Imagine a general trying to solve the vexing problems of a great combat whic

rtunes of war seemed most against him he was the most cheerful, the least disturbed. He had learned the dan

banish worry, how much more is it necessary that we of the ordinary mass of manki

ornet's nest." How suggestive both of the stinging that was sure to

a cumulative effect, until life itself cannot bear the strain, and it goes out. Recently I was at a home where a son was so worried over conditions that he felt ought not to exist between his parents, that he totally collapsed, mentally, and for

s has edited the London Truth, once wrote a cou

live in

eath in

tleman with the scythe. Are you, my worrying reader, anxious to be mowed down before your time? Qu

to spoil to-day by fretting and worrying over the possible evils of to-morrow. Many a man in business has ruined himself by allowing worries about to-morrow to prevent him from doing the needful work of to-day. The rancher who sits down and worries because he fears it will not rain to-morrow, or it will rain, fails to do the work of to-day ready for whatever the morrow may bring forth. The wise Roman, Seneca, expressed the same thing in othe

worrying over things that have not yet transpired. Let to-morrow take car

to see the

p enoug

ted payment of an account overdue, or not yet due. Hence if fears come of the morrow, if we are tempted to worry about a grief that seems to be approaching, let us resolute

to it, he sees what cruelties lurk in the facts behind the words. To grieve, fret, pine, mour

rises in a hurry, yet in worrying, one seems deliberately, with intent, to sit down upon prickles in order to compel himself to discomfort, distress, and pain. Is there any wisdom, when one has the cup of misery at his lips, in deliberately keep

mmoded, discomposed, troubled, disquieted, crossed, teased, fretted, irked, vexed, grieved, afflicted, distressed, plagued, bot

lls, chafes, gnaws, pricks, lancinates, lacerates, pierces, cuts, gravels

crucifies, convulses, agonizes, irritates, provokes, stings, nettles, maltreats,

at the only course open for


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