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Heartless Billionaire: The Stolen Smile

Chapter 2 Wanna take my clothes off

Word Count: 1123    |    Released on: 18/07/2023

ent parking lot, and he turned to the two girl

stepped out of the car, they both got do

ed her eyes as a baby, they had not moved, and i

er education in Hawaii, but som

her. “Would you stare at it all day like you haven't lived he

Perhaps it's because it's been three years

his head at her like she was stupid and wal

and linked arms with her as she

irties called out as she saw her daugh

mother's open arms, and Juliet embraced he

er mother asked, pulli

my trip back here, couldn't wait

eek. “You turned into one hell of a pretty lady, if you weren't my daughter

and they both turned to look at him. “She didn't change at

kinky then had become all straight up and so soft and her entire imag

ome butt surgery, your hips, and butt look bigger…” Her

s currently staring at her waist, to her mother. “I did no surgery!” Sh

asked them to shift their tho

as she turned around and called out. “Honey!” She

ay from her and touched the corner of his

ney!” He called

hem, and they all sat down,

e, for bringing her here,” Ju

th a smile. “I feel like a part missing in m

t as Olivia saw her dad and got to her

nd then leaned back and glanced at his face

think twice to say it out, and He glanced at his wife who gently l

e agreed with Olivia since she usuall

dieting lately to lo

it off even when she saw her father's expression

her way.” She said to him and flashed a smi

said, getting up. “Go change into comfortable clothes, Olivia, you

chen,” Chloe said, and went to

r way to get her luggage,

u.” He informed her and took it in wi

rmed him, and he nodded, and she w

beside her bed and g

oftly and Olivia glanced around her room,

ually studied here with Chloe, since the

turn up since she went on a trip with her m

m while he dozed off, he still didn't know, but

d if he would have loved her back if he knew about the kiss that day,

ence, who had stared at her for a whil

er thoughts, and she pressed

nd turned to leave, but Olivia quickly

nd on his arm, then he rai

want me to take your dress off you?” He as

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