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Heartless Billionaire: The Stolen Smile

Chapter 5 I want you

Word Count: 1362    |    Released on: 18/07/2023

family home after spending s

wards the bus station. “I didn't get to s

a. “He went hiking,” Olivia said nonchalantly,

she could still remember that was one thing

his travels without informing anyone, he causes numerous headaches for my parents, they worry about him when he is ol

f him.” She now wished she had not brought the

ould have beat the hell out of him.” Chlo

ssaging her shoulder. “I should help you h

momentarily, loving the gentle massa

and looked at Chloe, and Chloe pulled her into

I love you so much?” Olivia a

also love you so much.” She respon

r bridesmaid while you walk down the aisle,” Chlo

so I will be doing that for you instead.”

I still would be your bridesmaid,” C

dreaming walking down the aisle to meet Lawrence,

a was in a daze, she quickly waved her hand at Olivi

out, and Olivia blink

Her lip

ode of your fantasies again.” Ch

Chloe shook her head since she

Olivia asked, and a smile

gaga crazy, the waterfall Garden park

let's go because I can't wait!” She announced with a smile


n the pen in his hand as he closed the l

istwatch, and it was

it was already dark, he glanced at his cell p

harply and pressed the in

epped close t

ce. “Did you look into where Jane is at?” He a

as his eyebrows wrinkled in conce

eyes gently. “I did look into her whereab

, and then he thinks something soun

g me?” He questioned, and Roy quickly pressed his lips

almost jumped. “I would rather not say it, but I think

er questioned wi

his back pocket and played a vi

phone as his eyes dilated to see the video of

ng out of the mansion and Ja

ared in anger as his b

estaurants in Australia and I had to look into it further, I found

been meeting him up in secret, even with the wedding just a f

wanted to tell Mr. Asher this wh

eet as he curled his hand into a fist, the color drained

t Mr. Asher might do. “What would you do?

s eyes clustered in flames. “She has shown how little she values me, she

Roy quickly asked, terrified of

have to find a substitute.” Asher stepped into the elevator and the co

you have to think about it first, perhaps talk to Jane a

u watched the video, there is nothing to talk about!”

d after him as he step

on as I step out of this company my wife.” He barked, and Roy stood there in

e he was out of his daze, he disc

only to halt by the door, and gasped when he saw Asher's hand wrapped

's voice resounded in Olivia's e

ently nodded her head. “Y

irlfriend.” His voice was deep and it

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