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Heartless Billionaire: The Stolen Smile

Chapter 4 Awaiting

Word Count: 1269    |    Released on: 18/07/2023

cious office, a man in a well-tailored suit

listened and waited for the person on t

was no answer as he was

darkened, he rubbed his forehead with his hand and glanced

h his hair and made hi

on the glass-top desk, which fits perf

m. “Roy, to my office now.” He ordered and soon the automated door of his offic

me.” Roy quickly said a

f Jane Wills, find out where she is and what s

ir,” Roy

ing, I wouldn't want any mistakes in any of the p

ace, this was the part of Asher Lincoln he

and Roy lowered his head and left the

ed on his tab as he scrolled t

im, he picked up his cell phone and dialed

voice from the other side of

g the one that attracts me more.” He said and

change,” He zoomed in on the picture. “Eventually, I

r, Mr. Asher.” She s

know when.” He finish

ake me an appointment with Ms. Rosy, it should

Asher,” R

n. “I wonder if Jane would like me in this o

hope you are alright, Jane.” He said softly and leaned bac


dressed in blue Jean trousers, a w

r back, and she applied light makeup and

couldn't see her parents, she heard som

ther making breakfast. “Hi, Mom,” She called out

” Juliet asked her as she took

he asked, opening the fridge, she to

?” Juliet questioned, glanci

t would stop by her house to greet h

will set the table in five mi

d around and then turned to her mother. “I don't see my da

could answer, she

smile on her face. “I will get the door.”

aced her with a s

sed, we're leaving now?” Chloe asked a


.” Chloe, who spotted

rl,” Juliet said and Chloe crossed

r my sweetheart,” Chloe assure

. Parker who just came out of the r

long?” She said as she looked at her fa

and glanced at Chloe. “How

ee you are okay,” Chloe sai

n turned to her father. “I thought you already


ld Chloe and Olivia, interrupting P

er father lower his gaze, sh

was wrong ever since she arrived yesterday, bu

nd then she saw her father force a

ey waved at her before lea

uliet,” Parker spoke up this time. “We have to tell her about

ith her hand on her forehead

but I just can't see tears in her

have to take her by surprise, she should know w

ot be able to take it.” She clasped he

d her into a hug. “It's all my fault, I am sorry, it's my fault, I shou

heek. “I hope she accepts it just as I did, it's going to be hard, but we have to watch our daughter crumbl

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