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Samantha at the World's Fair

Samantha at the World's Fair


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 4129    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ration to me ever sence I first read about him in my old Olney's Gography

nd in a modest and meetin'-house sense, I will say boldly

in's for New Discoverers, do you spoze I wuz a-goin' to have a celebration gi

ahead from the very first minute

r anybody almost to death-to think that right on the very day Christopher discovered America, and us (only 400 years lat

hristopher Columbus walked right into our

r Columbus Allen walked right in

e I never had seen, come to Jonesville and

as this, when all the relations in Jonesville wuz jest riz up about the doin's of that great namesake of hisen-And the gussets wuz eve

ristopher, to think that Josiah Allen should walk in the new Columbus into our kitchen-why, I don't s

made it a little less miracalous wuz the fact

, and I spoze always will

in' and amelioratin' circumstance-striki

as you may say, bein' related to us on

in' his parents, who lived then in the outskirts of Loontown-good respectab

my side, married to Ezra Alle

existence. I hadn't existed at that time more'n nine years, if I had that. We stai

chance offered him there

yphenia wuz, and greatly beloved by the

ught her nose wuz too long. Some on 'em thought she wuz too religious, and some on 'em thought she wuzn't r

nigh all the Allens and

nection with that visit, and I don't spoze I shall ever forgit it; it

prayers, which they held

d maple trees, and they had tapped 'em all, and they had run fre

her wuz all a-kneelin' down pretty nigh to the stove. It wuz a cold mornin', and I wuz a-settin' with my li

so long that the kettle of sugar had het up fearful, and I see with

any kind or a mite of noise in prayer time. So I sot demute, but in deep anxiety, a-watchin' it sizzle up

dear good Aunt Tryphenia begun hern. She spoke dretful kin

r what it wuz

member she said movéd instead of moved, which wuz impressi

stove, and Aunt Tryphenia and Uncle Ezra jest jumped

ed her eyes and see that the prayer wuz broke right short off. Aunt Tryphenia

and Aunt Tryphenia. But then I don'

t she done right, but Mother wuz kinder of the opinion that she ort

ayer would have been very lucid or fervent, with all that bat

n where one's hopes and thoughts wuz, and he didn't believe it would go up much

tly females. It wuz talked over quite a good deal amongst the Smiths. The wimmen

am eppisodin', and

zra's folks moved up to Maine, Christopher Co

ncle Ezra and Aunt Tryphenia had been married over twenty years before th

the world, he come out to Jonesville on business and also to foller up the ties of re

ed eye, or spectacles, or the keenest microscope, and yet are so strong and last

work and mountains, can't seem to make

resoom, it was on Friday, P.M

mly turned my apron the other side out-I had been windin' some blue yarn that day for some socks for my Josiah

m as Christopher Columbus Allen, my own

do declare if he didn't look some like him, which wouldn't be nothin' agi

ith considerable interest, and some affection (not such an awful s

er and mother had passed away not long before tha

nce that struck aginst me almos

en my mind wuz on a perfect s

nd Isabell

recent best head-dress, when I hearn him speak the n

inute to hear him tell me somethin' about Ferdinand; bu

erwards by another relation that come

after they went to Maine, moved into a sort

t on their journey, and the only book their nigh

hey had, owin' to a ax

me of saturation, Christopher Columbus and Isabelle. And I presoom if she had had another, she would have named it King Ferdinand. Thou

n with anything but Casteel soap, and she tal

ed them while he wuz up on a tower through M

is mates at school called him so. He had been educated quite high. Had been to deestrick school sights,

money, and then went to school as long as that would last, and then woul

owned up to me that it wuz her example

uz smart as she could be, and had a feelin'

ess, and one of the children had to stay to home. A

ition and Happiness, and g

wuz, too-and let him go a-sailin' out on the broad ocean of life; she had trim

ess (asthma and inflammatory rheumatiz). You have to haul 'em in, and take down the flyin' pennen of Hope and Aspe

eller, soft light, when they ar

n a sort of a halo that shines off on the hard things of this life and makes 'em endurable, takes the edge kinder off of the hardest, keenest sufferin's, and goes before

eautiful one. Isabelle jest j

e that by her face. Krit had brought her photograph with him

erene, with the serenity of the sweet soul within. And it had a look deep down in

wards what th

d above rich, and one that had his own duties to attend to. Two helpless aged ones, and t

back. And as he didn't git back, of course they kept on a-stayin', and had to be took care on. They wuz bright little creeters, and the very apples of their eyes. But they cost money, and they cost

with a sad heart, as wuz spozed, for Isabelle, when she see what had come ont

ouldn't mate very well. And most probable they would have been a pretty cross match. (I mean, that is, a sort of a

of men who are deep in love, and want their way, but anyway wantin' to keep out of the sight of the one

t hour-still and calm on the outside, and her heart a-bleedin' on

tyrs of themselves, and burnt sacrifices-sometimes I

hipped the ground Tom Freeman walked on, so everybody knew

us. And when a man and a woman love each other as Isabelle and Krit did, when wuz it ev

comfort in bein' sort o' onhappy for the sake of some one she loves,

fur removed from her, still she has a sort of a silent hankerin' or aptitude for martrydom. That is, she would fur ruther be onhappy herself than

f into the great world t

and sent Krit ou

k his way along through the World, and work hard and venter and dare and t

'em well, yet truth compels me to say that they are not ve

s in the way than to camp down in front of 'em and

uld earn a good place in the World, win it with hard work, and

he wuz a-goin' to hist up the two feeble o

she gin up her own ambitious hopes for his sake, and knowin' well, though he didn't really feel free to interf

up into His own habitation, higher I spoze than any earthly mount. About six months before Kr

in Jonesville on particular business, and partly to see us. He wuz a civil engineer, jest as civil and polite a one as I e

le. He is doin' a big business all ov

that Josiah Allen and I wuz a-makin' preperations to go to the World's Fair-and bein' warmly pursuaded

f for the old folks, and recovered a little from the sickness that she had aft

d a good place for her to board and take good c

k right down seemin'ly with her gri

even if it is a piller of stun, when it is drawed out sudden from

time, when it is took sudden from you you have a g

mother gives to a helpless baby, with the pity added that gray hairs and toothless gums must amount t

in' up round their way, and lots of strong healthy folks suckumbed to it, and it s

nd her great anxiety wuz-"That Pa s

ther room wuz took with it, and

e wuz so sick!" But along late in the afternoon, when the Winter sun wuz makin' a

d, and he wants me to git up and go


and he wants me to gi

lle wuz l

on, they say, wuz enough to melt a stun, if there

to a stun; no, fur from it). She wuz a-layin' to home on a bed, with her sad

rs to her brother Krit. He had to leave her jest after the funeral on

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