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Alpha's Fated

Chapter 6 Your Son Is Under A Spell !!!

Word Count: 2827    |    Released on: 25/07/2023

and he saw her narrow her big light brown eyes at him an

to him and follow him to the dining

lpha was. One slight mistake could incur his wrath

d almost strangled her to death some hours ago. She was human

and die, but after being marked by their mates, they sta

t the Witches and Wizards use their ma

, who grow old and die, that's why most humans wished to be

girl was supposed to be happy that the moon goddess paired her together

much he loathed humans for their weakness. He was once like that too. All Werewolves were once like that, but after the war

humans and he wondered how he

Dexter said to the moon goddess in his mind w

m for lunch ”, she said as she went back and sa

girl is qui

that she almost di

o his mate if she didn't join him fo

said in a gentle voice “ Look, I know you're still mad at him for w

p acting like you care ”

about you. That's why I'm here standing in the room wit

I'd follow you ”, She

ous and soon he might come angrily to the room and do something he might regret l


s Al

t I seen he

id, laughing, but he could feel Jayden's enraged breathing thro

busy with her own thoughts. She was thinking of how

eling now, even her little brother Nathan. They w

going to free Raymond today and she wondered if Danielle had found out about his location yet and it made her angry that she didn't

s dying to drink water. She hadn't tasted even a drop of water since she woke up this

meet their Alpha, but to drink water, and after that s

s what she

, the mind link between Alpha and Dexter was di

ous look. “ What ? Why are you staring at me like that ”, she

rised you changed your m

g room because I'm obeying your Alpha, but

hirsty but you're

e me there or not ” Mu

words when they got into the hallway. It was painted in cream colour and the til

as it produced its bright light. Soon they passed two more

nd beautifully decorated. The sun was streaming in from the two large windows

ne was watching and she looked up to see pairs of yellow slit eyes staring a

y handsome with his bright yellow intimidating eyes and then, she inhaled the mos

ent came from because it couldn

hat such a kind of intoxicating scent must be

that she was

hat ca

never h

ate and he was no

few seconds ago and she immediately composed herself and g

nd table in front of him with different kinds of food placed on it

m and his mate in the dinning room and Dexter immedia

irl didn't move an inch when s

e of thi

efore and she had not only insu

, I didn't come here because you asked me to, I came here on my own ”, Muna said,

and Muna felt her body trembling from hearing his change of voice and she

assed out, she had heard one of his members pleading on her behalf for him to release her, but this t

id he

ve her with this

ish you that you won't be able to lift a finger when I'm done with your

ty and not to eat with eat but now that he had threatened her under th

at her anymore, so she used that opportunity to peek at him a

god in human form, only that his wicke

of eating until she saw him raise his head up and look at he

eat with traces of blood on it and she felt like

e eat half-cooked me

use he was

retended not to notice. He knew that she was staring at him because of his handsomeness

his territory had given him his daughter Klara to be his mate,

ted to feel with her. Jayden never liked Clara but he was just using her to keep himself busy apart from havin

he spark from her, what he had always wanted to feel, that hi

d her and he saw her raise her head

t so you know, I didn't wish to be your mate ” Muna sai

you when there are other ways to kill you... Painfully ”, He was able to say the last part audible for me t

a piece of meat into her mouth. “ I'm not weak ”, she said, and she

o you think yo

p for the third time and go back to your room ” Jayden

re and I want to go back home to my family ” Muna said,

e you'll learn to forget about your family ”

'm not your prisoner ”. She screamed at t

a way to get

to feed her hungry stomach. She had been pretending not to be hungry when h

e Holland

ten into the beautiful mansion but they

ith the Vampires' guards, they had seen a

ielle's spell broke away from the Vampires' guards an

so sorry ” D


that both of us are sit

s alr

Muna al

”, Shar

we see he

at she's doin

, Sharon said. “ We should be thin

Raymond and I don't think we will b

of the lock being opened and they both looked up and saw the Vampi

o meet with you ” Louis said, opening while

ron and Daniel

plush red-coloured chair with crossed legs. He was dressed in a white shirt that bro

ding in front of him with a frown on his face an

here to see my son and wh

h surprise in her eyes an

your son ”

r do you want to get thrown back into the ce

? No ! ” Dan

h you but your son is under a spell

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1 Chapter 1 The Dream 2 Chapter 2 Whether Human Or Not3 Chapter 3 Pitch Black4 Chapter 4 You'll Do As I Say5 Chapter 5 My Spells Are Never Wrong 6 Chapter 6 Your Son Is Under A Spell !!! 7 Chapter 7 I'll Slit Both Your Throats8 Chapter 8 Escaped 9 Chapter 9 Who Let You Out10 Chapter 10 At The Last Minute 11 Chapter 11 Five Days Earlier 12 Chapter 12 Kill Her Tears13 Chapter 13 Scared14 Chapter 14 Stunningly Beautiful 15 Chapter 15 She Is His Mate16 Chapter 16 He Doesn't Treat Me Well17 Chapter 17 Shocked18 Chapter 18 Brother 19 Chapter 19 Come Sit Next To Me20 Chapter 20 The Maze21 Chapter 21 Lost In The Maze22 Chapter 22 I'm In Love With Someone Else23 Chapter 23 Jeez What Did I Do Now24 Chapter 24 Feelings25 Chapter 25 Worried 26 Chapter 26 Angry Kayden 27 Chapter 27 Pack28 Chapter 28 She's an Orphan 29 Chapter 29 Go On Smile30 Chapter 30 Feed Him His own Medicine 31 Chapter 31 I'll Do It32 Chapter 32 Let Me Have Your Phone 33 Chapter 33 This Is Only The Beginning 34 Chapter 34 Heartfelt Apologies 35 Chapter 35 I Missed You Guys36 Chapter 36 Scary Look On His Face37 Chapter 37 Because You Belong To Me38 Chapter 38 He Confessed 39 Chapter 39 A Beautiful Golden Wolf40 Chapter 40 Hurting You Is Like Hurting Myself 41 Chapter 41 When You Bear My Mark42 Chapter 42 I Am Your Family Now43 Chapter 43 I Want Her Manipulated 44 Chapter 44 We Forgive You45 Chapter 45 Restless 46 Chapter 46 Hailey47 Chapter 47 Thirst For Blood48 Chapter 48 Go Away!!!49 Chapter 49 More Than Just A Kiss50 Chapter 50 Cravings 151 Chapter 51 Cravings 252 Chapter 52 Perfect Punishment 53 Chapter 53 Mate 154 Chapter 54 Mate 255 Chapter 55 The Fight56 Chapter 56 You're Dangerous For Her57 Chapter 57 I'll Hold You Responsible 58 Chapter 58 He Was Only Pretending To Be Mad59 Chapter 59 She Was Taken Away From Me60 Chapter 60 A Cute Little Thing 61 Chapter 61 Tell Me The Truth 62 Chapter 62 A Kiss On The Cheeks63 Chapter 63 A Witch In The Pack64 Chapter 64 Another Woman In His Arms65 Chapter 65 He Was Drugged 66 Chapter 66 She Disappeared 67 Chapter 67 He Was Furious 68 Chapter 68 Blue Pendant 69 Chapter 69 Caught In The Act70 Chapter 70 Finding Clues 71 Chapter 71 Missing Her Presence 72 Chapter 72 Beautiful Smile73 Chapter 73 I Prefer Watching You74 Chapter 74 Maya75 Chapter 75 Claw Marks76 Chapter 76 Unlucky Maid77 Chapter 77 Bloodlust 78 Chapter 78 It Wasn't Me... It Was The Necklace79 Chapter 79 Shameless 80 Chapter 80 You're My Mate And Your Blood Is My Cure81 Chapter 81 I Believe him82 Chapter 82 Rough83 Chapter 83 Awake 84 Chapter 84 Three Days85 Chapter 85 She Felt Guilty 86 Chapter 86 Stay With Me Tonight 87 Chapter 87 He Was Smitten By Her