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Alpha's Fated

Chapter 7 I'll Slit Both Your Throats

Word Count: 3245    |    Released on: 25/07/2023

h you but your son is under a spell

d stared at them as though they had said something stupi

unny ” Dan

o because I am in a good mood ”. The Lord said in a calm voice, “ Sar

we came here for ”, Danielle said, and Sh

” The Lord said, standing up from the chair he sat on as he began

e answered. “ You're th

nding in front of them with his height towering above t

ven scared one bit that the Lord was now standing in front of them and most especiall

all Vampires, including your friend ”he said, and both their

at he was the Lord

t he was Lord T


son of the Lord

just got a lit

Lord Tristan said as

e the one.... ” Danielle said

and slipped his hands into his pockets “ I've been his shadow for

s because she wanted him to be hers, so we only came here to uplift the

ooks fine to me and, as far as I kn

ch, ” Danielle said, and Tristan pinched

turn again ”he said to his guards as he walked back and sat in his chair

vant said, raising the tray closer to him a

other guard held Danielle as they be

to get out from the tight hold of the guard pulling her out and she glared at him “ let go of me you brute. ” She said as she bit his hand and, the the guard yelled a

sleepy eyes. It appeared that he was sleeping and

ed his father with a confus

our classmates from school and they said

looked at the two girls being dragged away. ” Wait

sigh of relief and they pulled out th

Muna’s friends from school ”, Sharon s

s anywhere ”, he said, and Daniell

anielle asked again, but Raym

od ’ Danielle th

ast a spell on him, but she al


liars and lock them up in the cell,

the cost, so that when they got back to school on Mo

the Lord ordered them to

He said with anger laced in his voice “ I'm

idn't you notice any difference in you,” Danielle said when they we

to the guard who was pulling her, but the guard

g now because of the noise that was coming from the livin

elle cursed

e looked at Raymond as her eyes turned white. “ You gave me no choice ”. She ut

g the spell, they were both thr

in anger “ I should have known that witch girl

ceased brows as she sat with her hands in-betwe

ouldn't remember us that's why he couldn't remember Muna

to leave and now we wouldn't have returne

out sooner than you expected becaus

hat got Danielle surprised because this was t

o raise her voice at anyone befor

we're in this mess ” She sa

? ” Danielle said point

spells if they worked when they didn't work on the guard so

tice that my eyes didn't turn white because I just said the spell words causally but

Sharon said and Danielle felt tears

that Sharon ” She sa

mate probably she has fallen in love with him an

blaming Mu

, he was barely her friend. He is a new guy in school and I

one who approached Muna first and secondly

the Livi

g weird and he started screaming as some black smoke started coming out of his mouth and he fel

own beside his son who was still shaking and he

you ? ” He asked but he didn't get any response and he i

their healer and some minutes later Raphael, the healer came running into the living room and h

head a little and he dropped down his leather b

tely be quick ” Tristan ordered and the healer

ing still on the ground but the fact that he

face “ My Lord there's nothing to worry about, master Raymond is perfectly fine he just ne

s foam coming out of his mouth ” He

ining him, I noticed that he was cursed by some dark magic that explains the foam that was

head and left and he ordered the servants around to carry Raymon

e his room resting. He marched to the ce

t the

iron door of the cell being opened and they both looked up to see the Lo

y noticed that his eyes were darker and

od mood didn't I ? ” The Lord said with no smile on this time and when the

ary voice loud enough for them to he

wered in sync with their bac

“ What did you do to my son ” He aske

I only uplift the spell from hi

stan made sure to enunciate very words clearly for he

harm him I swear, I was on

ake by tomorrow I'll slit both your throats ” He said and left them du

nymore and now you're going to get us both killed if Raymond doesn't wake

id surprised. She was sure that the spells were correct

uld have g

den's Par

to the mansion yet and Muna wondered where he went but t

she fell asleep and she also didn't know how she


. If only she had sharp nails like the Vampires she would have clawed his face

ortunately for he

tes she was caught by the Alpha's warriors and brought back into the mansion and sh

new about her arrival to the mansion and they didn't know tha

s as she walked to the balcony and placed her hands

er in the balcony “ No but I'm

I already have a

ve a brother I d

her hand “ But I didn't get to tell him good bye and I don't know when I'll see him again or my p

gain and your pare


he goes from what I know so what are you doing here ” Muna asked as sc

ld me to stay back and watch you inc

what ? ” Muna asked na

ing to escape

atching over me ” Muna said and Dexter g

watch dog

atch wolf ” She s

I'm just glad you're finally laughing

ven't tell me you

ll I tell yo

you already know mine ” Dexter said po

hair and yellow eyes added with his tall height though he was not as tall as

clothes and my phone are back at home so how the h

night so when Alpha returns you can tell him

ery sweet ” She said

the clothes for you ” He said and turn to leave but

d him and he turned

my name is Mu

beautiful girl like you ” he said a

d the same

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1 Chapter 1 The Dream 2 Chapter 2 Whether Human Or Not3 Chapter 3 Pitch Black4 Chapter 4 You'll Do As I Say5 Chapter 5 My Spells Are Never Wrong 6 Chapter 6 Your Son Is Under A Spell !!! 7 Chapter 7 I'll Slit Both Your Throats8 Chapter 8 Escaped 9 Chapter 9 Who Let You Out10 Chapter 10 At The Last Minute 11 Chapter 11 Five Days Earlier 12 Chapter 12 Kill Her Tears13 Chapter 13 Scared14 Chapter 14 Stunningly Beautiful 15 Chapter 15 She Is His Mate16 Chapter 16 He Doesn't Treat Me Well17 Chapter 17 Shocked18 Chapter 18 Brother 19 Chapter 19 Come Sit Next To Me20 Chapter 20 The Maze21 Chapter 21 Lost In The Maze22 Chapter 22 I'm In Love With Someone Else23 Chapter 23 Jeez What Did I Do Now24 Chapter 24 Feelings25 Chapter 25 Worried 26 Chapter 26 Angry Kayden 27 Chapter 27 Pack28 Chapter 28 She's an Orphan 29 Chapter 29 Go On Smile30 Chapter 30 Feed Him His own Medicine 31 Chapter 31 I'll Do It32 Chapter 32 Let Me Have Your Phone 33 Chapter 33 This Is Only The Beginning 34 Chapter 34 Heartfelt Apologies 35 Chapter 35 I Missed You Guys36 Chapter 36 Scary Look On His Face37 Chapter 37 Because You Belong To Me38 Chapter 38 He Confessed 39 Chapter 39 A Beautiful Golden Wolf40 Chapter 40 Hurting You Is Like Hurting Myself 41 Chapter 41 When You Bear My Mark42 Chapter 42 I Am Your Family Now43 Chapter 43 I Want Her Manipulated 44 Chapter 44 We Forgive You45 Chapter 45 Restless 46 Chapter 46 Hailey47 Chapter 47 Thirst For Blood48 Chapter 48 Go Away!!!49 Chapter 49 More Than Just A Kiss50 Chapter 50 Cravings 151 Chapter 51 Cravings 252 Chapter 52 Perfect Punishment 53 Chapter 53 Mate 154 Chapter 54 Mate 255 Chapter 55 The Fight56 Chapter 56 You're Dangerous For Her57 Chapter 57 I'll Hold You Responsible 58 Chapter 58 He Was Only Pretending To Be Mad59 Chapter 59 She Was Taken Away From Me60 Chapter 60 A Cute Little Thing 61 Chapter 61 Tell Me The Truth 62 Chapter 62 A Kiss On The Cheeks63 Chapter 63 A Witch In The Pack64 Chapter 64 Another Woman In His Arms65 Chapter 65 He Was Drugged 66 Chapter 66 She Disappeared 67 Chapter 67 He Was Furious 68 Chapter 68 Blue Pendant 69 Chapter 69 Caught In The Act70 Chapter 70 Finding Clues 71 Chapter 71 Missing Her Presence 72 Chapter 72 Beautiful Smile73 Chapter 73 I Prefer Watching You74 Chapter 74 Maya75 Chapter 75 Claw Marks76 Chapter 76 Unlucky Maid77 Chapter 77 Bloodlust 78 Chapter 78 It Wasn't Me... It Was The Necklace79 Chapter 79 Shameless 80 Chapter 80 You're My Mate And Your Blood Is My Cure81 Chapter 81 I Believe him82 Chapter 82 Rough83 Chapter 83 Awake 84 Chapter 84 Three Days85 Chapter 85 She Felt Guilty 86 Chapter 86 Stay With Me Tonight 87 Chapter 87 He Was Smitten By Her