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Alpha's Fated

Chapter 9 Who Let You Out

Word Count: 3038    |    Released on: 25/07/2023

n't have gone too far, and what the hell was she thinking entering into the fo

dodged branches of lower tr

gotten far into the forest when she felt that something was chasing her, so she increased her

n't have listened to Klara; she thought it would be easier

see what it was, but she could feel it behind her, and she could hear it

by a wolf. It couldn't be the Alpha,

exter, or her

er absence in the mansion a

Dexter catch up with her, no

ce she hadn't taken a break, but she c

caught the scent of a rogue wolf, and just then he heard the roar of the rogue werewolf, and he ra

it was running, and just then Jayden heard the sound

werewolf, and not up to a minute later he caught up with the rogue werewolf as he pushed it

strong that it broke a few bones in its body, and it shook its head as i

ow its neck in surrender, and he moved back in slow steps, seeing that the Alpha was not attacking him. He immediately moved to attack

k into its neck, and it tried to release himself because if he didn't, he would die because of

e for the second time, it immediately got

e after him because he knew he wouldn't su

still had to catch her and return her to the mansion, and he was going

ped on dry leaves and twigs. She could feel the chil

ther, and her hair cover

e the extended root of a tree in front of her when she turned around to see if she was still being

She tried so hard not to scream as she used both her hands to cover her mouth in a tight grip, hold

und, bearing the throbbing and sharp pain of her sprained ankle, but

ooked around her surroundings for a sigh of anything moving, and when sh

forest despite the pain. But then she heard a low growl behind her, and

something just now, or

air in her lungs left her and she fell so hard on her butt with wide eyes and a

s bigger than a normal wolf. Its pitch-black eyes stare

had been chasing

t was

nally turned

f a razor blade at her as he walked closer to her, letting out a low growl, and she

ng to be the

now she was going to die and

y and friends again. She w

her mind as tears streamed down her cheeks in fear. She f

the whole forest, and she thought it was the best time for her to run and escape. though s

back at her with its pitch black eyes, and she watched as it opened its huge mo

ror as she covered h



e opened her eyes, she couldn't find the werewolf anymor

was the werew

as i

e was the one standing in front of her. She stood up from the ground

s the

the grey were

did he f

as do

unish her for lea

to her, and he grabbed her by the neck and pinned

mansion?” he asked in an ang

say, seeing the death glare he was

? ” He bar

e said as she tried to pry his hand away f

her neck in two, but he knew that would make him loo

every minute, but he would teach her a l

tightened, and Muna gasped

she said as she gaspe

that I'm choking y

ng in this dark forest and who let you out of the mansion

tead? Because if you're truly my mate, you wouldn't be treating me

obey his order. He had ordered his Gamma to keep watch on her, but he failed, and h

the mansion was going to regret ever doin

ceive his strong scent coming from the clothes, and he felt his wolf clawing at his chest as he didn't like it that t

ubbed her aching neck

d as a low growl reverberated through his chest, and at the same time a few werewolf war

was frowning at her, and she knew that he was not

e said, and spa


Jayden's large hand landed on her ch

ll in shock. She had not expected him to slap her, and sh

, which she knew was her blood, and she sp

is wolf growling at him, and he knew it wasn

e teary eyes, his Wolf would make him walk up to

k to the mansion,” he said, and then he shifted back into his

now sobbing, and he gave her a pity look, but be

aid, and Ryder

and hugged him as she cried even louder, not caring about the others, and Dexter wrapped

atting her back, he hea

yden saw her wear

Dexter s

ng her doesn't mean he won't get a


hite and black wolf and left, with the four warriors r

the mansion,” Dexter said, and Muna f

oked voice, and Dexter wiped

ansion, he wouldn't have hit you.” He said, “Let's

olden wolf that was bigger than Klara's brown wolf, but among them

his transformation was not as painful as Klara's; he only felt

ack, which she did, though she was a little bit scared,

, Muna hid herself behind Dexter for prot

hat she ran away, and secondly, she was wearing D

u,” he said in the most c

gain, quickly came out but did not move close to him, an

out of the mansion.” He asked her when he saw her fumbling with her f

up at him, but she didn't still look a

nraged breathing from where they stood, and they

this time, and she finally looked at h

by myself

me who helped you out, and

. Jayden couldn't kill her because she was his mate and a human, but Klara was

t,” she said, and Ja

e's ready to talk,” he said to one of his

Dexter could only watch her in pity, but Ryder did

rrior named Adrian, and she tried to free herself

inst her face. She stood up and immediately banged on the door

please let me out. She continued to bang at the door unt

asement in utter darkness

off his shirt, leaving his chest bare and exposing the crescent

ajamas with white dots, he walked up to the balcony

he door to be let out, but he was de

] He said this through the

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1 Chapter 1 The Dream 2 Chapter 2 Whether Human Or Not3 Chapter 3 Pitch Black4 Chapter 4 You'll Do As I Say5 Chapter 5 My Spells Are Never Wrong 6 Chapter 6 Your Son Is Under A Spell !!! 7 Chapter 7 I'll Slit Both Your Throats8 Chapter 8 Escaped 9 Chapter 9 Who Let You Out10 Chapter 10 At The Last Minute 11 Chapter 11 Five Days Earlier 12 Chapter 12 Kill Her Tears13 Chapter 13 Scared14 Chapter 14 Stunningly Beautiful 15 Chapter 15 She Is His Mate16 Chapter 16 He Doesn't Treat Me Well17 Chapter 17 Shocked18 Chapter 18 Brother 19 Chapter 19 Come Sit Next To Me20 Chapter 20 The Maze21 Chapter 21 Lost In The Maze22 Chapter 22 I'm In Love With Someone Else23 Chapter 23 Jeez What Did I Do Now24 Chapter 24 Feelings25 Chapter 25 Worried 26 Chapter 26 Angry Kayden 27 Chapter 27 Pack28 Chapter 28 She's an Orphan 29 Chapter 29 Go On Smile30 Chapter 30 Feed Him His own Medicine 31 Chapter 31 I'll Do It32 Chapter 32 Let Me Have Your Phone 33 Chapter 33 This Is Only The Beginning 34 Chapter 34 Heartfelt Apologies 35 Chapter 35 I Missed You Guys36 Chapter 36 Scary Look On His Face37 Chapter 37 Because You Belong To Me38 Chapter 38 He Confessed 39 Chapter 39 A Beautiful Golden Wolf40 Chapter 40 Hurting You Is Like Hurting Myself 41 Chapter 41 When You Bear My Mark42 Chapter 42 I Am Your Family Now43 Chapter 43 I Want Her Manipulated 44 Chapter 44 We Forgive You45 Chapter 45 Restless 46 Chapter 46 Hailey47 Chapter 47 Thirst For Blood48 Chapter 48 Go Away!!!49 Chapter 49 More Than Just A Kiss50 Chapter 50 Cravings 151 Chapter 51 Cravings 252 Chapter 52 Perfect Punishment 53 Chapter 53 Mate 154 Chapter 54 Mate 255 Chapter 55 The Fight56 Chapter 56 You're Dangerous For Her57 Chapter 57 I'll Hold You Responsible 58 Chapter 58 He Was Only Pretending To Be Mad59 Chapter 59 She Was Taken Away From Me60 Chapter 60 A Cute Little Thing 61 Chapter 61 Tell Me The Truth 62 Chapter 62 A Kiss On The Cheeks63 Chapter 63 A Witch In The Pack64 Chapter 64 Another Woman In His Arms65 Chapter 65 He Was Drugged 66 Chapter 66 She Disappeared 67 Chapter 67 He Was Furious 68 Chapter 68 Blue Pendant 69 Chapter 69 Caught In The Act70 Chapter 70 Finding Clues 71 Chapter 71 Missing Her Presence 72 Chapter 72 Beautiful Smile73 Chapter 73 I Prefer Watching You74 Chapter 74 Maya75 Chapter 75 Claw Marks76 Chapter 76 Unlucky Maid77 Chapter 77 Bloodlust 78 Chapter 78 It Wasn't Me... It Was The Necklace79 Chapter 79 Shameless 80 Chapter 80 You're My Mate And Your Blood Is My Cure81 Chapter 81 I Believe him82 Chapter 82 Rough83 Chapter 83 Awake 84 Chapter 84 Three Days85 Chapter 85 She Felt Guilty 86 Chapter 86 Stay With Me Tonight 87 Chapter 87 He Was Smitten By Her