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Me, Him and Her

Chapter 3 Lewis Sherwood... Just wait!

Word Count: 1425    |    Released on: 29/07/2023

d at first glance, they seemed similar, but upon closer inspection, their unique beauty could be seen. It was as if this building had a po

a flock of white doves flew over th

. enterin

n's enchanted expression but hesitated to disturb her. However,

e Sherwood butler. "I'm sorry, this place is beautiful." Bein

ime. "Is this Miss Anderson?" A kind middle-aged man greeted them as soon as they reached the door. "Indeed, the perso

Being praised by the headmaste

main point." The Sherwood butl

ranged for Miss Anderson to be in Class A, which has an excellent learning atmosphere. I will have someone guide M

, "I had the same intentio

ome words, the headmaster led Ember Anderson to the l

Curious, Ember Anderson walked towards the headmaster, and at that moment, a p

eir makeup, some were painting their nails, some were sleeping, some were chatting idly, and some were using their cell phones. They even pushed desks t

trying to hide his embarrassment. He walked over and knocked on the door. The headmaster appeared, exuding

ed?" The homeroom teacher put down the

ill be studying in this class." The headmaster looked at Emb

teacher smiled and evaluated Ember Anders

ded, "Thank you, I

e as there are a few things I still need to handle." The headmaster

eft, the classroom im

Ember Anderso

eroom teacher brought Ember Anderson up to the podium. Fac

One of the male students said,

idiculed like this? She f

halk and wrote her name, "Ember Anderson," in large letters on the board. She turned ar

mediately f

in the drawer, and now it's time for a literature class," the homeroom teacher said, the

girl who looked slightly shy, gazing at her

eceive your help in the future." The other studen

n the lesson. As we

on like this

and you're dismissed!" The homeroom teacher left the classroom,

?" The girls started getting excited. Some even shouted, then fai

couldn't understand their thoughts and shook her

?!" Flipping through the book, her hand sud

his boy p

ung master?" A girl, filled w

w transfer student, Ember Anderson." Someon

rd. Due to being assigned to the front desk, there was only a short distance betwe

alized that if she acted too aggressively towards this young m

ogantly and said, "Does this young

not from a wealthy family, he would have been beat

with a determined gaze from everyone present. "Lewis,

smirked and took the lead in walking out. "Buy me a box of cold d

g him out of the classroom. But Lewis Sherwo

en you and Lewis, young master? He had to come looking

d past, saying, "I'm Lewis's young master's servant. He di

ture, just let me know! We'll all help you!" In an instant

iled apologetically. "Can anyone tell me where I can buy co

erson appeared on the third-floor

ng the hallway, and accidentally bumped into someone. It might have been sacrificed i

eautiful eyes. She might have mistaken Jowley Kin

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